Part 5

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This is the last part thank you for all of your support. This is just a short story so I am ending it now . Thank you and lovelots friends.

When I got there my relatives are already there crying they tell me that my mother is diagnosed with brain tumor and she is already dying but she didn't even tell me because I'm mad at her and she thinks that I don't really care. And I didn't even ask her if she's still fine or if how is she.

When my mother woke up she said to the nurse that she want to talk to me. When I enter the room where she was, I saw how pale her face was and how weak she is. My eyes started to become teary because of how heart breaking it is for me. I'm not used to her not being strong. She signalled me to come forward. She started talking even though it's difficult for her to do that.

"I'm sorry Audrey. I'm sorry for letting you down always. I'm sorry that I didn't save your brother and your father I did everything I can to save them but I think it's just not enough. I'm sorry if you think that after your father and brother died it was just nothing to me, that I'm not affected the truth is that every day it's killing me that I both lost you, I lost both of my family."

"But I tried to get back to you. I tried to let you feel that you're not alone, but you distance yourself to me and we always end up fighting. And all I can do is to support you financially because you don't need me anymore. So I work much harder just to provide what you need. And I didn't mind if I'm sick. All I want is for us to be like the way we are before the accident happened. I'm sorry I will let you down again Audrey. "

I don't know how to react and I don't know what should I respond. But even with the alcohol in my senses, I still feel perfectly sane and I almost feel my heart breaking into million pieces again...

" I'm sick and I'm already dying. I'm sorry I can't watch you get old and have your own family. I'm sorry I can't no longer watch and guide you and check on you if you are okay. But at least I know you're going to be fine, you're strong enough to fight for your own life. Let go Audrey... Let go of all your hatred and be happy. Let go all the things that are letting you down. Do it please. I'm sorry please forgive me..."

My tears fell and I cried real hard because of the words that mom said. And I realize how hard I am to her. How I give her heartache every times that I am ignoring her and being rude to her. I am such a mess... I can't forgive myself, I will never will. How can I do this to my mother that all she thinks is my safety and how to give all my whims. How can I be so insensitive about her feelings and blame her for all the things that happened to us when in fact it was no ones fault that dad and Charles died. I didn't even considered her feelings when I go home late drunk from all the late party. I regret now that I didn't give mom affection, I am really sorry...

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I blame you for anything. I forgive you mom. I'm sorry I didn't even check on you. Please forgive me Mom. I know I never show you that I love you and just always get mad with you but mom. I love you, I really do."

"I already forgive you Audrey. Thank you, I love you my daughter." Slowly she close her eyes I don't know what should I do now that I'm all alone. I don't know that mom is already dying that her brain tumor is already in the final.

That's the last word that my mother said to me before she passed away. I miss her now, I miss my father and my brother. How I wish this is not the ending of our story. How I wish I enjoyed being with mom when she's still here. How I wish I take so memories with them, with my family when we still complete.

It's been five years now. And I finally learned to let go all the things that's keeping me down years ago like what my mother said. I'm now working as a doctor with 2 children like my mother. But I will make sure to give time to my family and appreciate what's there. Thank you mom. I'm sorry.... I already miss you, I already miss dad and also Charles.

"Mom let's go now"

"Coming son" I said


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