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Hazel and I slowly walked through the cramped roof. Our heads just about touched the top of it.

"Hazel, what's that?" I asked.

"What's what?" Hazel replied.

I pointed to my left.

"That glow!" I exclaimed.

"Well, let's go find it out girly!" Hazel exclaimed confidentiality.

We ran over. Hazel felt around.

"Hey!" Hazel called.

"Congratulations!  You have found the first Gem, Ruby." The aliens voice from before said.

"I guess that's good?" Hazel asked.

"How many gems are there?" I asked.

"Every door ou go trough." The alien voice said.

"These are either a bonus or will actually help." I stated.

TT Book 2 Alien ConspiracyWhere stories live. Discover now