Amber's sleeping!

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Hazel and I turned a bend.

"Welcome to the hint room!" A over enthusiastic voice announced.

Hazel and I rolled our eyes.

"There are about a hundred of us scattered across the ship, some of us help, some of us don't." The voice went on, "This hint room will give you a hint to how to wake Amber up! When you find her you will have to smash a sepiffic vase and then put in a code, you should find it out later, and open the clear coffin lid, you should find her, lift her up and place her the ground, on your journey you should find a glowing red thing,  hopefully you picked it up because you will have to place it on her!" The voice stopped.

Hazel and I high fived and ran off!

TT Book 2 Alien ConspiracyWhere stories live. Discover now