Colthing, Deadends and Windows!

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"Are there any windows in here it's humid and musty." Hazel complained.

"Amber's lost and your first complaint is windows!" I exclaimed.

"Hey,  there's one!" Hazel said. "We're in space how are we breathing!"

I came up beside her and gazed out the window.

"Don't open it." I said

Just after I told her not to Hazel opened the window and stuck her head out.

"I can breathe!" She exclaimed.

I wasn't taking any chances.

"What about clothes,  I'm not wearing this for pajamas." Hazel said.

"Maybe the bag." I suggested.

Hazel dug around.

"There's nothing in the bag, maybe it only comes when you need it."

I looked up, there was no way to go further, it was a deadend.

"Now how are we saspose to find Amber?" Hazel asked.

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