• Reuniting •

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"Hi, honey. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Y...yeah, it has. God, I'm so happy to see you! Where's Dad?"

"He's still at home. He left the adventuring to me, as usual. You know how your father is."

"Yeah, that's just Dad for you, I guess. Homebody as usual."

"Exactly. Rule-abiding too. I should be back with him, really. But you know I've always had a certain distaste for the rules. "

"...Wait, if I'm really talking to you, does this mean I'm...dead? Or is this all a dream?"

"You're not dreaming, honey. This is real."

"So I'm dead."

"Not yet."


"You have a choice to make, Faline. You can stay here with your father and I, or you can return to New York."

"Why would I want to go back there? I've missed you like crazy. You don't know how hard it's been, Mom. Not having you around... it nearly broke me, I'll admit."

"Believe me, I know how hard it's been. I've watched you grow into a fine young woman. You've made me proud, Faline."

"Really? You think so? Because all I've done is act like a scared little girl my whole life since you... you went away."

"Died. I died Faline. Death is nothing to fear, honey. And it's not your fault you were forced into timidity half your life."

"Yeah, I've got Connor to thank for that, partly."

"Yes, Connor — hmm. Connor has had some definite trials. He's put you through an unfair amount of pain. A girl losing her mom is hard enough. Your brother will have to reap what he sowed, and I'm just glad you're safe."

"And I'm just glad I'm with you. This place looks pretty nice."

"It gets better. You're in the In-Between, but the rest is even grander. Now don't rush into things. I want you to think about this, Faline. The fate of your friends depends on whether you stay here or not."

"My... friends? Mom, if you really know what's happened since you — died — you'd know I don't have friends."

"Now that's not true. Don't you remember? C'mon, look back and—"

"I'm done looking back, Mom. I don't want anything to do with yesterday. The past doesn't define me."

"I know that, honey, and I'm glad you've come to that realization. But the past is a part of us, like it or not. And if you refuse to reflect once in a while, you'll miss all the good things you experienced."

"But living in the now—"

"Is important, yes. But the past is something we learn from. It's where all the happy memories are."

"I...I don't think I can..."

"Try it for me, Faline. You're strong enough, I know it. The things you've gone through haven't been kind to you, but there's always light in the darkness. Find the light, Faline. Find the hope."

"I...I remember...blue eyes."

"Who was the person behind them?"

"He was... he was a leader. Kind. Gentle. Protective."


"...Yes. In his own way. He was ripped, that's for sure."

"Ha! You always know how to make me laugh, honey. But back to the point. Do you know his name?"

"...Leo. Leonardo. Oh my God, Leo!"

"That's it, Faline. He was your hope, wasn't he?"

"Yes, he was... you don't think it's odd? You know, that he's..."

"A mutant reptile with big knives?"

"He prefers the term ninja."

"I'm only messing with you. And I think you and I can agree that his appearance means nothing when you see the young man behind it."


"You love him, don't you?"


"Oh, don't make a fuss. I'm your mother, you can tell me anything."

"...Yes. I...I do."

"And you miss him?"

"...God, yes. It hurts, how much I miss him."

"Then go to him."

"But...but Mom, I don't want to leave you. And Dad, I haven't gotten to see him yet."

"He'll still be with you. We'll both be with you."



"I'm...I'm gonna miss you, Mom."

"It's alright, honey, don't cry."

"I-I can't h-help it..."

"Ssh, Faline, it's okay. I'm here."

"I love you. I love you so much, Mama."

"I love you more, my sweet, sweet Faline."

"And... do you think he loves me too?"

"Leonardo? ...I guess you'll have to find out, won't you?"

"I know that smile. I haven't forgotten that smile. Just tell me already!"

"Love is an adventure too, honey. You have to be brave enough to embark on it."

"Send Dad my love, okay?"

"I will. Now, I think it's time you leave. That Donatello is pretty inexperienced with those defibrillators of his, isn't he?"



"Ow! Mom, what's—"

"It's your ride home, baby. Stay calm."


"Ouch! Damn it, that hurts! ...Mom? Mom!"



"...Fae? Can you hear me?"

The Leader Gave Me Hope: The First Book of the Freeformers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now