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|| One Year Later ||

"Will you marry me?" I asked looking up at her

"Oh my god!" she mouthed tears streaming down her cheeks

"Er... so that's a yes?" I asked confused

"Yes. Steve." She said

I smiled as I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her hand.

"This has by far been the best date ever," she said kissing me

"Well, I'm just glad you said yes!" I said pulling away as we headed inside her building and took the elevator to her floor

"Well what else was I supposed to say?" she chuckled as we stopped in front of her door

"um...No?" I said uncertainly

"You know that I still can!" she mumbled playfully shoving me

"Nope! Not anymore, that offer is off the table!" I answered kissing her cheek

"Aww no fair! I don't want to marry you anymore!" she said giggling

"Too late!" I said rolling my eyes and blowing her a kiss as I walked away.


"Hey Stark!" I shouted barging into the garage as soon as I got back

"Hey how was your date?" he replied from underneath one of his many candy-colored cars

"It went pretty damn well!" I cried trying to hide my smile

"I take it you took my advice?" he said sliding out from underneath the car

"uh well..." I said rubbing the back of my neck unable to suppress my grin

"judging by the look on your face you clearly got laid! Up top man!" he replied sitting up and raising his hand for a high five

"That's not exactly- "I began

"Well, it's about time too! I mean come on its been a year!" he continued cutting me off

"Tony listen- " I tried again

"What can I say the stark Method never fails! It worked for my old man, worked for me and now it worked for you too!" Tony rambled on

"TONY I DIDN'T GET LAID!" I shouted in order to get his attention

"what! you didn't? Then what are you so happy about?!" he asked deflating

"well you know it's been a year since the thing with Natasha..." I began

"yeah-yeah a year since you started dating Peggy's granddaughter...we already went through this before your date Steve." he deadpanned

"What's the verdict?" he continued clearly uninterested

"SHE SAID YES!!!" I shouted out with glee

"woohoo. That's wonderful." He replied unenthusiastically rolling his eyes before he slid back under the car

I sighed in defeat as I awkwardly shoved my hands in my pockets and threw a half-hearted "Later" over my shoulder as I turned to leave the garage

frankly speaking I didn't expect a different reaction from him. Yes, he and Wanda were the most supportive of the group but even they were still 'romanoger shippers' in fact the only person who wasn't one was Clint. Personally, speaking I don't think he's my biggest fan either.

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