I can't believe that!

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The inner gate forcely opened.... "SILVANAAAA!!!!" SO MANY VOICES CALLED MY NAME...


Silvana's POV

I looked at the inner gate with cold gaze, lifeless eyes, and didn't care what will happen or who the people that called my name are, until I heard...

"Silvana, that guy is the devil's game, run!! " a familiar voice said.

I looked with more concern... then Alex got in with Gabrielle, Alia, Kento, Joans, Joe, Maria, Julia, Mark and.... daddy with his soldiers, Roka Alen, my little sis Mirvat, my brother Arkeh, my cousins Madou, Madii, James, Jully....and....... my ex-love Shouh Justin..... and with them a weird and huge animals included the monster with the one eye.

I didn't look at anyone, only Alex.... He seemed fine, like he didn't die or something?!

I was still looking at him with shock without any word or moving my body or eyes. I saw his concerned and worried face turned to confused one... He glanced at me once then turned his gaze to the suit man who was standing beside me and in Alex's eyes 'madness'...

I stared at the one beside me in coldly eyes... I didn't even trust that this Alex is the true Alex... My frustrated expression didn't change...

"Wow wow wow.... How dramatic *clapping* *clapping* Roka Alex!! And those whole dump people.... sorry but I already sealed Silvana's power in my heart .."

"Yet!" I heard Alex yelling... "you didn't! And you don't! And you will not!!! Seal her power!"

"My daughter isn't that weak...." daddy sternly said..

"Silvana! You'll be fine... I'm here" Justin said, long time I didn't see him.... I turned my gaze to Alex who was irritated and glaring at Justin.

All the demons and vampires and whoever, started fighting... Alex was running to achieve me but that devil picked me by the arm and hold it strongly.....

I felt pain in my left arm and that made me shiver and whimper.... "Stop... It hurts..." I mumbled...

I was shocked when I saw a demon standing across from the both of us. And he was staring at the devil's game with the most sadness eyes ever... I looked at him solemnly and coldly.. he glanced at me then I heard the devil's game shouted at him to go and fight.... I could hear yelling from my freinds when they were calling my name... and without hesitation or without turning his gaze to the devil, he kicked him in his stomach so hard which made him fall..

He grabbed my hand softly then hold me bridal style and went away....

I didn't protest or made anything, but I noticed a shadow following us from below. 'Alex..'

He was running, the demon noticed him and went back to the ground.. let me down and looked back at Alex... Yeah sure, Me and Alex had the best confusing and shocking expression in our faces....

He's not the same demon that attacked us even if their shapes are the same...

The demon carved on a tree, in the backyard, what he wanted to say... 'My name is rashidoll'

"Even the demons have a names!?" Alex exclaimed.

'I'm a human too. Don't judge me by the look' he carved. And I was still silent.

"Wow, thanks for the help, you helped my little crazy and stupid girl.." Alex said and the demon or rashidoll nodded.

Alex looked at me once again, a bit worried, I looked back with dull eyes. He was sad.

"What did he do to you?" He said softly with agony.

I was silent and rashidoll looked at me..

"Tell me... please... I'm so afraid on you Silvana!" He said a bit louder than before.

"W-who are y-you?" I respond. And my respond made Alex surprise...

"You don't know who I am!!?" He said worriedly and frightened.

"You are not Alex... you are not..." I murmured..

"Why am I not? " he asked softly.

"Because I killed him.." I said and I'm on the verge of tears...

"No, you didn't, I'm standing in front of you, and I'm still alive... it's only a hallucinations that the devil let you live in it..." I shivered... and looked back at Alex's bright eyes.... I cried out and screamed while hugging him tightly..... I'm awake!

"I-I can't believe that!!! You are still alive!!! ALEX!!!!!" I screamed in all my power until my throat began to hurt.

"It's okay supid childish... You are  'SHOUH' don be so easy honey..." he said sarcastically.
I chuckled about his reaction and glanced at him one more time "don call me 'honey' dude!" I teased him and he laughed...

"Let's go again to the mansion to help our team__" he said with a slight smile.. "and I will tell you how I met them and what your mother said to me in the way" he continued and I glanced at him with shock and a small open mouth, he grinned and caught my hand and rashidoll's one too and we started running...


Hello guyz sorry for late but I have exams now.... this a new chapter.... hope that u'll like it... sorry I'm not good enough in dramatic moments....

The next chapter: <Mother!! Elena..>

Sosa freecss♡

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