The broken mountain...Again

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"Shall we go there?" Alex asked Silvana while beaming.

"We ought to!" Silvana grinned.


"Listen everybody... we will go to a dangerous place... so don't leave this place until we come back.." Silvana told the group.

"Yes, we went there before... so much had happened... what a memories!" Alex said smiling to himself.

"Is it??" Silvana teased him then chuckled.

"I concluded from your conversation that something romantic had happened?" Maria smirked.

"YES..NO" Alex and Silvana said in unison but Alex said yes while Silvana said no..

"Well?" Maria teased and everyone laughed.

"What the romantic thingy had happened when you were about to fell in the lava?!?!?!" Silvana protested.

"Hmmm, well, When you screamed my name and thereafter we found ourselves in my home?" Alex said nonchalantly.

"Ok ok i get it, but nothing romantic had happened..." Silvana replied with a dangerous glare. Alex smiled and nodded.

They were ready to leave until Rashid grabbed Silvana's hand from behind.

"Don't go" he said sadly.

"Aw creamy I'll be back in a hurry..."


"Pinky swear?"

Rashid smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically. After that Alex and Silvana went to the broken mountain.

"So much had happened really... I enjoyed being here..." Silvana said beaming to herself.

"Yeah" Alex said doing the same.

After two hours of wandering, they arrived to the mountain.

"It looks like when we left it..." Silvana said and Alex nodded frowning at the same time.

Silvana continued her way to the mountain and Alex followed her.

"What are we doing here by the way? We don't even know about what we will search!" Alex said.

"Something weird? I guess.."

"If you say so... but don't forget that everything is weird here.."

"By the way, in that time.... how did you stuck in that rock inside the lava?"

"My stupidity is an integral part of me... so don't be so shock..."


"Huuuuh fine I will tell you..."

"Happy to listen... and the way will be short if we talk about something..."


Flash back♧ Alex's POV

I stopped for a while turning my eyes to the left and right with worried look, then I put Silvana on the ground, and disappeared in the bushes leaving Silvana behind me and the worry was punching her on the face.

Some weird voices came from everywhere... When this happened, this means the devil is near. But I couldn't tell Silvana something like this in her first day in the game.. She indeed will throw up at me...

I searched and searched then I realized that it's the big stupid idea to leave Silvana alone and the devil is near...

I went as quickly as I could to Silvana but before I reached to my goal, the devil was standing in front of me with his tall black cloth and hoodie and his sharp scythe..

"Hello there" the devil hoarsely toned said.


"Yes me" he smirked. "Your future girlfriend is here with you, you will not suffer alone again huh?"

"Shut up!!"

"If I don't? Well, it's bad for me to let you both intertwined so I'll kill her for sure..."

"Don't ever try to touch her!"

"You fell in love with her so easily.. don't you?"

"I'm a man not a stupid wizard that pretending how to be a man!"

"I'm the devil Alex..."


"Huff listen I have Silvana with me now"


"You know she has a supernatural power... She's mine!!"


Then the devil disappeared and I ran to the opposite side from Silvana's place which is the broken mountain, to search for the devil again.

Then I saw Silvana mom.... Oh my God! She's in danger... I found them in the top of the broken mountain.

I went there and entered the cave..

And when I was walking above the lava on the thin path, the path started to broke behind me until I realized that a huge weird insect was following me..

Afterwards, it attacked me without any warning... I was about to fell in lava until I thought of something can help me to achieve that rock... then the blue strong canary appeared from out of blue and hold my hand. The rock was near enough as I reached it but the path was already broken.

I didn't hesitate to take the leaf that stuck on the canary's head and used his nails to type my secret message to Silvana when I realized that it was a trap from the devil to kill me instead of Silvana.

My mom was good in contrusting a realistic figures that's why I'm trapped by thinking that the devil was already put his hands on Silvana.

That's what happened.

♧Flash back ended♧ Silvana and Alex reached the entrance of the broken mountain, the cave.

"You said.... your mom?"  Silvana said shocking. "Why did you say that she's dangerous...?!"  She added.

Alex resumed walking inside the cave, "She's the devil's wife....."



Helloooo, not long time but I really am keen to publish this..

Read please
Every ten chapter will be a surprise like this, so be aware cx..

And yeah hope that you like this chapter.

The next chapter: it's a secret ;P

Sosa freecss♡

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