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Salettin tried not to wince when his father slammed his fist on the table. The dishes and cutlery, as well as every plate of food, however, jumped and rattled, startled by the sudden assault. One glass tumbled in fright and shattered.

His stepmother, Alrenn, wisely said nothing.

"You will rule beside me," Orvinet ba Tir shouted. "I will allow you to play businessman until after your wedding ceremony, but you are a prince, and these business ventures are beneath your status. It's time you accepted that."

Salettin had no idea how to respond. When his father blasted someone with one of his tirades, any statements only made matters worse. Even so, silence would be interpreted as weakness. Regardless of what his father wanted, Salettin had no intention of ruling at his father's side. He wished he had never agreed to come with him to this backward planet.

Except for Chala, of course. He had never met anyone like her. Not only was she even more beautiful than her holo, the Absorption process was making her wholly into one of his people. It was succeeding better than he expected. Usually someone not born into their culture resisted their minds being reformed, but she had accepted learning Xantis Tey as easily as a child.

"You have nothing to say?"

"Father, you know I love what I do. And I know you will settle for nothing less than for me to rule as prince heir beside you. All I'm saying is that Chala has fulfilled all your requirements. She is of royal lineage, and her doctor insists she is healthy enough to bear many children. The contract between us states that I still have three years after the wedding ceremony to produce a living heir. When I hold my son or daughter in my arms, the terms will have been met, and I will be free of you."

"Free of me? As if I hold you in bondage like the Krindarwee slaves in Sector One?"

"Exactly. You know that's what you intend, regardless of what you say. But I will keep you to the contract. I will hold my son or daughter in my arms before the deadline." He gave his father a hard stare. "And I will be free of you."

"How to you intend to accomplish that? I am Emperor of this planet. There is no place you can be free of me."

Salettin laughed. "Maybe I should use my business incomes to employ an army. What will the representatives of the High Emperor think of finding Nevia II in civil war when they arrive?"

"You watch what you say."

"I always do." He stood and bowed to his father, the deep bow that a servant made to his master. After all, Orvinet ba Tir was the Emperor, and Salettin no more than his prince heir. "I have to go, Father. My clients, and my Chala, are waiting."

"I sent you to the best schools." Orvinet scowled at him. "I saw to it that you learned how to govern whole worlds, and you spend your time with businesses."

Salettin bowed again. "Yes, Father."

"Like your uncle."

"Yes, Father."

"You're too small-minded."

"I suppose so, Father."

"And that new wife of yours..."

"Is becoming a delightful asset." He grinned. "My Chala, my Delight."

"She's a very powerful Talent. I hope you are able to keep her under control."

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