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Unknown to either Salettin or Chala, word of the events of S'ar's afternoon tea spread throughout all of Sector Five. Her words became known as the Princess's Resistance Speech.

"Did you hear what Chala said during S'ar's event?" Tri'ndel asked her husband that evening when he came home from a board meeting. Although she started with the amazing reading of the tapestry, their supper conversation centered around how they might resist the Intergalactic Faj, as represented by the ba Tir royals.

"There isn't much we can do," he said. "The Faj is deeply

entrenched in the workings of this planet."

"But the Krindarwee can heal our people's infertility," she protested.

He remained quiet for a long time.

When the servant served dessert, he finally spoke again. "Unlike ever other Sector, we founded Sector Five on our absolute resistance to the slavery promoted by Sector One. This Xantis Tey family seems to be cut from the same cloth as that Sector. Although I honestly don't know how we should go about it, it seems we have no choice but to resist somehow." He paused, then continued, "She's smothered by their family. I wonder how she got the courage to speak out. Did it seem to you as if she ever before voiced another opinion besides that of her husband?"

Tri'ndel shook her head. "Never before. When she realized he had heard every word, her fear flooded the whole room."

"Hmm. We should talk to some of the other families. She should not need to fight this battle alone."

The servant, after his day was over, returned to his family, only to find out that his wife already knew what had happened during S'ar's tea. Later that evening, he received several vid calls from people also wanting to be a part of this spontaneous resistance.

No one had any suggestions as to what to do, however.

The next morning, Zilla's irritation grew as she watched from one of the guard towers as a line of Nevians formed outside the Krindarwee compound.

"This wasn't what I meant when I said that we could heal them. They only got half the message," she complained to one of her guards.

He chuckled. "What did you expect, Grandmother? They're

Nevians. They have selective understanding."

"Are you listening to their thoughts?"

"It's my job."

"Each one believes I'll make an exception, just for them."

"I know. They can't believe the Daughter was serious when she said that the Faj needed to be defeated first."

Zilla sighed. "I guess I'll have to speak to them."

The guard chuckled again.

None of this was funny to Zilla. Variations of the same cry echoed from mind to mind. My parents are dead. There is no one left to carry on our ancestral line but me. My husband and I have tried for a child for twenty years. Please, don't let our family die out. The cries for help were almost unbearable. Everyone knew someone whose family had completely vanished through lack of progeny.

Zilla stood in the corner tower with the tower guard, trying her best to keep her chin firm. She drew a stream of ambigah toward her.

"My people..."

A woman protested. "We're not your people. We're..."

Zilla spoke directly into the woman's mind. Yet you would reap where you have not sown.

The woman bowed her head in shame.

Zilla's next words came with Power, making sure everyone heard.

"Those who wish help from the Krindarwee must acknowledge kinship with us. Those who believe you are solely Nevian may leave now. We are all one people with one enemy. You Nevians were never our enemy. I once believed otherwise, as I'm sure you did. Yet who drove you to our home? Was it not the Faj?"

Several acknowledged aloud that what she said was true. Many more agreed in silence.

"Before you become fertile, a decision must be made. You must choose the intergalactic rulers of the Two Galaxies, or you must choose this home free from all intergalactic influences. This will be a difficult decision to make. All of you have been conditioned to believe that the Faj is all-powerful. I tell you they are not. They must be sent back home. You heard the conditions the Daughter set."

No one in this crowd had actually heard Tadessa speak, but all of them knew what she had said.

The crowd murmured among themselves.

"When the last Faj representative has been removed from this planet, we will heal all of you. Until then, you must decide who to support. The Krindarwee are ready to assist you, even though the cost to our people has been very high so far. Are you ready to pay your price?"

"But how are we to send them home?" a man shouted back. "We have no access to Sector One spaceships."

"Are you a supporter of the Faj?" Zilla asked.

"Of course not!"

"Did you ever support the Faj?"

The man paused. "At one time, I think we all did."

"Then, your support of the Faj has been removed from this planet. Is that correct?"

The man understood. The reality of what Zilla was telling them began to sink in. It filled some with apprehension as the realization that they would need to pit themselves against the Emperor and the Xantis Tey.

Some were filled with hope as they realized that, even if they didn't know how, they might just be able to defeat these powerful new representatives.

"I suggest you go to your homes and decide where you stand," Zilla said.

The crowd began to disperse.

"The decision won't be easy for them," the tower guard said to Zilla.

She nodded. "I know. But the Daughter has impacted so many of those we once called our enemies. For the first time, they come to us." The time was almost right. At least she hoped so.


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