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Dr. Gilliam helped the young woman and her baby into the transport. He then bundled in their scant belongings.

"The trip to Sector One takes ten days," he told her. "Myoni here, knows all the stops along the way so you can buy more supplies as you need them." He handed her a large roll of plastifoil wens.

"I don't know Myoni." She looked terrified. "Why can't you take me?"

"And give the Emperor an announcement telling him of this plan to get you away from his notice?"

"But what have I done to need to hide?"

"Nothing, Tiffin. Salettin offended his father by falling in love with you, and then by saving your children from slavery. Orvinet ba Tir would kill you to punish his son."

"I don't understand."

Neither do I, Wulf Gilliam thought in private as he closed the door, giving his medical supply friend the signal to begin his flight.

He watched them fly away, also wondering why all this subterfuge was necessary.

When the prince made his request yesterday, he almost refused. He hated getting into plots of intrigue. Years ago, when he had fallen in with A'nden and the attempted coup for control of Sector Five, he thought ever move would be his last, which almost happened. When it was all over, A'nden and the Lady rewarded him far beyond anything he expected. They gave him the coveted position as the personal physician of the ruling family.

This time, he saw prison as his only reward if caught.

Myoni too, he realized. Be careful, old friend, he sent, wishing he owned just a scrap of Talent so the medical supply distributor could hear him.

Zilla stood, stiff from meditating. Satisfied that all was going as planned, as much as possible, anyway, she started fixing breakfast.

Last year, once she became aware that the prince fully intended to marry the Daughter, she spent some of her meditation time following his actions. That was when she found Tiffin, an Irelli girl from Sector One. Tiffin's mother, a prostitute, had sold her daughter to Bassford for the prince's pleasure.

At first, the girl was no more than a way for Salettin to relieve himself of sexual tension. He never frequented bordellos. Instead, he sent his personal servant (Slave? Zilla didn't know.) to secure a concubine for him.

Tiffin, Zilla thought as she cut some dried fruit into smaller pieces. She loved it in her morning cereal. Tiffin, she repeated to herself, just into adolescence when Bassford found her, got pregnant right away, to Salettin's delight. Zilla felt sorry for the girl, having given birth to three children before she turned twenty.

She's on her way, Zilla sent to a Lorekeeper and house slave in Sector One.

Another bastard child with her, the woman replied.

Yes, but this time you need to find a way to hide the mother and all three children. The prince's father will kill them if he finds out about this.

So the Prince loves them after all.

Zilla gave a mental laugh. Now he does. I think he has always wanted to, because it took nothing for me to suggest that he didn't want his children growing up as slaves.

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