Chapter Thirteen

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"Why did you come to work today?" Nicolette asks when she sees me in the break room. Yolanda had a moment this morning so I couldn't stop for coffee.

"It'd be tacky if the sub needed a sub, you know?" I say, dumping sugar into my cup.

"You need time off," Nicolette insists, leaning on the counter. "That was a pretty traumatic experience."

"I have to be here for the kids."

Nicolette grins and takes a deep breath. "I love that you're thinking about them but right now, you need to be concerned about yourself."

"I wasn't hurt."

"Yes, you were. You lost your friend."

I push my glasses up on my nose and sip my coffee. "I know."

"You need to take care of yourself and I'm happy that you're good physically but emotionally, I'm not so sure."

"I just have a lot to think about."

"Which is why you need to stay home."

I open my mouth to say something but let Nicolette have that one. She was right anyway.

I teach my class and try my best to put on a happy face for these kids but it gets harder as the morning goes by. When recess finally arrives, I let the kids outside and watch them play for a while before coming back to the classroom. I need time to gather myself before they come back in.

Luckily I put a movie in the lesson plan so I can relax and grade papers while the kids are preoccupied. I finish grading fairly quickly and my mind wanders off to the previous weekend. The only thing I can see is Malik on the ground bleeding profusely.

"Mr. Diggs?"

Someone taps my shoulder and it ends up being little Jordan.

"What's wrong?"

"The bell rang."

I look up at the clock and realize that school was over a few minutes ago. "Wow, I'm so sorry."

"Are you okay?" she asks. "You look so tired."

"I am very tired but I had to come teach all of you." I smile and turn the movie off. "I'm so sorry, y'all. I was daydreaming back there."

"Were you dreaming about Miss Perry?" Imani teases. The rest of the kids giggle.

"No, I was not," I laugh as I open the classroom door.

"She's pretty, Mr. Diggs!" Imani says.

"And she's been single all her life," Jordan adds, earning a laugh from the class.

"Go home," I chuckle, gesturing the kids to exit the room. They encourage me to shoot my shot with Nicolette but I brush them off. She'd never be interested in me anyway.

After school, I make my way to school myself where Jessimae is waiting for me. I'm nervous to talk to her because of our last conversation but I make my way over to her anyway.

"Hey." I sit next to her and flash a smile.

"Hey, Diggs."


"Are you okay? I feel so bad for pressuring you and-"

"No, it's fine. I'm over it."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "I'm sure. I couldn't be mad at you even if I tried so it's fine. I promise."


More silence.

"Um...are you doing anything tonight?" she stammers, waving a lock of blonde hair from her face.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"The Warriors are playing tonight..."

"I wouldn't miss that game for the world," I say with a smile.

"Same! I was thinking we could watch it together...if you want."

Was this a date?

I could tell she really wanted me to say yes and there was no way I'd refuse an offer to watch basketball with a beautiful girl. I'm not stupid.

"I'd love that," I reply. It takes everything I have to say that.

"Great!" Her eyes light up at my response. "Terrence is out with friends tonight so you don't have to worry about him. I promise."

"I'll text you when I get to your place just to make sure I don't show up while he's still there."

"That would save my life. You're a genius." She smiles and my stomach turns. "We should get to class."

"You're right."

We smile at each other and sparks seem to fly. I've never really believed in magic but today it seems so real.



The ending is cheesy but ¯\_()_/¯

The next chapter is going to be amazing I might cry omg.

More soon!🦉

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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