Chapter 5

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Tsunade had been up since the early hours of dawn, its weak rays spilling onto the rooftops of Konohagakure. The lack of sleep and the fact that her secret stash of sake was now a desolate, dark corner full of cobwebs drew a heavy cloud indeed on her head. A week since her reconnaissance team departed to the Land of Iron. A week without her son, adopted or not. "Damn, those akatsuki bastards! Why can't you all just leave on vacation for a month, " Tsunade mutters under her breath.

A knock sounding on her door immediately straightens Tsunade's back like a wood post; the thought of news on Naruto's return brings a little needed life back to the alcoholic Hokage.

"Haruno Sakura, Lady Hokage."


"You may enter, Sakura. Has something occurred at the hospital?"

"No, Lady Hokage. However, I've some questions related to the recent disease outbreak we've had here in Konoha." Sakura bows deeply while speaking before straightening and a slight frown hovers over her features. Never willing to admit it, Sakura isn't exactly ugly. (A/N: to all ya'll Sakura-haters out there, I don't like her either, but come have to at least admit that. And no, this is not some hint to Tsunade/Sakura slash!!)

Nodding, I nudge her on. "Yes, about the outbreak, I've been doing some research about the disease in question and I can't identify it. It's very nature and chemical balance are completely new to me. Are you familiar with this sickness? The symptoms appear similar to those of the cold and strep, yet are on a much more severe level. If this continues, I'm afraid the virus could mutate and become lethal to the public. Quarantine is a very possible solution at this time." She seemed to be expectantly waiting my view on such matters, impatient girl, but I see her reasoning.

I take my time formulating and answering her. "I actually have heard of a sickness similar to this in the Land of Iron. It was a tiny trading village in the northern mountains, called...oh, what was it? Anyways, it was many years ago, when I was younger than you, I believe, slowly buy surly, everyone started getting sick. They called a doctor to treat them and were expecting him to arrive the next day. It turns out on his way to the quarantined village, he, himself, contracted the virus, which only increased the confusion and anxiety in the village.

"Soon, chaos controlled the streets and people's hearts and minds. The nearest village just southwest to them hadn't heard anything until after a week from news about the sick doctor. By then...most were dead. More due to the lawlessness than the actaull virus itself, but if it had been able to, it would have wiped out the village and pass along to other trading villages alike, eventually spreading across the entire continent.

"I heard it is extremely contagious. Luckily, it didn't get the chance to spread far, but if it had...we would not be sitting here thinking about whether it's this illness or that one. You know me Sakura. I'm not exactly one to believe rumors at face-value, yet this specific case hints at me." At that I lean back into my chair, not realizing I had started inching forward over my desk.

Hey hey, so I got a new laptop!!! I would've typed more as a special occasion, but things are being a bitch and won't save properly so I'm just going to upload what I've got right now and hopefully it'll work itself out, else you'll be getting same ol' shorties. Now that I'm not just doing it on my phone, I'll be able to write more frequently... that is my goal, after all. Toodles!

Hugs and tickles,


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