Chapter 14

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Naruto's view:

After Gaara had left, Jiraiya insists that I get more rest. I want to argue saying that all I need is a bowl of Ichiraku's "quick-fix" ramen to get me up and running again, but Pervy Sage wasn't hearing any of it tonight.

He seemed to hesitate before tucking me in, as if he wanted to ask me something.

"Is it about me being a girl, sensei?" I ask suddenly, which catches him off-guard. Jiraiya merely nods, not wanting to say anything presumptuous or insensitive.

I look up at the ceiling in an attempt to avoid Jiraiya's gaze. A moment passes while I organize my thoughts before I start speaking. "Hmm...well, when I tried escaping my captors, which was why Sasuke and Lee couldn't find me, a, um, "sticky situation" popped up, and I was left with the options of hopping in a coffin with a corpse or pretend to be a girl.

I chose the latter, and used my Sexy jutsu instead of a regular henge because it's more stable. However, just as I was performing the jutsu, another person's jutsu came into contact with my own and they clashed. I managed to successfully change into a girl, but only later on did I find out...I'm stuck like this?" I give a pathetic half-smile at Jiraiya, sweat dropping.

(A/N: A henge is like an illusion of sorts where the vision is distorted around said person to look like anyone they choose, or a completely made up person. The Sexy jutsu is an actual transformation of the body. I'm not sure of the exact definition, Google it if ya want, but I hope this helps some get a perspective on it. If this is incorrect, please let me know in the comments section, for I am simply too lazy to look it up myself :p)

Throughout my brief explanation, specifically leaving out some details, Jiraiya is sporting a plain look; giving away nothing, he stands from the chair, pats my head saying a soft "good night", and closing the door gently behind him while flicking the light switch off.

'I had never seen this reaction from him before,' I think slightly anxious.

The darkness lulls me into a dreamless state whereas before it elicited a nervousness from me. The warm blanket topped with the pale moon's light brining a sense of calm for the first time in what feels like a lifetime. Before I know it, I've fallen into a deep, yet still uneasy, sleep.


Jiraiya's view: 

The moment I know I'm out of Naruto's earshot, the howls I've been withholding finally release themselves. Just an hour earlier, I was so worried and tense, but now I'm the exact opposite. My laughter unwillingly bubbles out of me at the thought of the Naruto messing up the one jutsu he had an actual knack for, other than Clone jutsu, of course.

'The new issue of people capable of containing a jinchuuriki is worrisome on it's own, but they made one mistake: they went around deciding to mess with the one person they shouldn't've thought of even touching!' Anger blooms in my chest, slowly killing the remaining chuckles in my throat. Whoever they are, know that the Toad Sannin has put them on his "To-kill" list.

'Which reminds me,' I think randomly, 'Tsunade needs to know about the nature of Naruto's condition. Now that we have a clue as to how it happened, maybe she can find a way to reverse it.' 

Tsunade is probably drunk off her ass right now, so it'll have to wait until late afternoon...or evening. Yeah, let's do evening cause she won't even be awake until then, and I don't want deal with the massive hangover she'll have. 'I feel so sorry for her attendants...not! Just glad it's not me, haha!'


Gaara's view:

'Seeing Naruto in that...state,' I think confusedly. Seeing him, no, her, lying on the hospital bed in a drabby gown, and paler than the sheets, akin to Naruto's usual sun-kissed skin made a sharp emptiness form in my chest. Naruto is supposed to be strong, stubborn, and...not injured like that. Dark circles under Naruto's eyes contrasted against her skin.

Clear, even under the blankets, Naruto was a girl. 100% a girl, indeed. Her frame seemed smaller, and her face had a delicate touch to it unseen before.

I had always admired and looked up to Naruto, like a role model. Ever since she saved me from my self-destruction, Naruto became part of my inner circle of people I trust, of my most important people, my family. Even my siblings don't completely understand me, but she did from the start.

'This situation only opened my eyes to my own feelings...I really like Naruto. She's my special person,' I think, mulling over this recent realization.

I'm so caught up in my inner world that I don't notice Temari, with Kankuro trailing behind nonchalantly, peeking up over my shoulder until she speaks. "Watcha thinkin' about, little brother," she asks, more demands even after I glare at her. 'She's gotten too used to my glares...,' I think glumly.

She smirks, knowing exactly what is running through my head. Then her question finally registers, and images of Naruto injured and sickly-looking block every other intelligent thought out for a split second, and deep anger fills me.

I hadn't felt like this in a while, so it surprises me. Temari notices my change in behavior, and Kankuro just now walks up from being partially left behind by their sister. He immediately catches the tense atmosphere, but so used to it by now, he doesn't let anything show on his face. "How was Naruto holding up?" he asks getting straight to the point.

I answer, "Alive."

Both Temari and Kankuro face palm. "We know that at least, little bro, but we need details." Temari says hotly. Kankuro only sweat drops at his younger brother's half answer.

"Naruto is a girl now," Gaara says unperturbed, dropping that bombshell and not even looking phased by it. Kankuro nearly chokes in surprise while Temari, with a straight face, asks, "Well, what kind of injuries does she have?"

'Temari is beast, right now,' both boys think. It took me a whole walk to get it straight that Naruto wasn't male anymore, but Temari...she almost had this gleam in her eyes...excitement.

"I left before I could find out," I say.

'Why did you do that, baka?" Kankuro had never called me stupid but once and knew to never do it again; him and Naruto were the only ones to ever tell the tale of calling me an idiot.

Temari jabs her brother in the ribs sharply and gives him a pointed glance. They stare at one another before slowly turning to me and giving me a smile, which is clear strained.

I mentally shake my head and just walk away at that point. Sometimes, not understanding your siblings goes both ways.


Hey, so here's a random chapter I felt like posting off-schedule! Like, comment, vote, completely ignore, etc. Y'all know how things work here. If you are reading this, however, thank you for giving my story a try!

I'll try to get back to ya on the Thursday update; we'll see how that turns out, yeah?

Hugs and tickles,


blah blah blah blah


If you have any ideas on how this can go, feel free to tell me and I'll try my best at incorporating it into the story as it goes!


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