Chapter 6

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I feel like we should set up a set schedule for when I update. Like once a week. That would be challenging for me, haha! bout every...what, Thursday? I like Thursday. That way I'm not burnt out and trying to write on Fridays. Alright, it's settled then. Guess you're ready to get on with the fic if you haven't completely skipped over this, very brief, message. Not that I'm not guilty of doing it myself, yeah? Oh, by the way, if there's any laps in time or confusing facts, just go with it; I'm making up all of this and I recently watched that Naruto movie about him, Sakura, I think Lee, and...some other dude *facepalm*. They go to the Land of Iron and save, no, no. It was the Land of Ogres and they save this priestess lady who is being threatened by this guy who uses medical jutsu. I forget the name of it...ah well. Story-telling time.

Naruto wakes up after his argument with Kurama. 'Damn, that fox-demon for being stingy,' Naruto thought with a grimace. Sleeping on cold, hard ground is never a good idea; kiddies, take note. This is what not to do when going camping. Luckily, though how exactly, Naruto was able to create heat by making a clone to help keep him warm. The clone itself wasn't able to make heat with it's body, so it went out during the blizzard to find things for the original copy to use. What the clone found...was quite questionable. By traipsing on a mountaintop, the clone found a bundle of blankets sitting innocently on a raised platform. Suspicious, right? Of course not! Whoever put it there obviously meant for someone lost to find it in case they needed a blanket. Like good ol' Naruto here sittin' in that crevice that's an excuse for a cave.

With the new info being relayed through Naruto's mind, via releasing the chakra that held the clone, Naruto curled up in a ball, mentally cursing his co-inhabitant, blanket draped over what he could cover and fell into a light sleep; which is where we find Naruto now. Scooting out of the cave/crevice thing, he looks around at the bright blue sky of the morning which was all doom and gloom, what was it, two days ago. (A/N: I think that's how the whole info system thing works with clones. Sorry if it's incorrect; I'm too lazy to google it.)

Stomach making itself known but no time to acknowledge it, Naruto speeds off to the rendezvous point at the waterfall. Hopefully, Lee and that teme are still there.


The dull roar of the waterfall greets a figure hidden in the tree's shadows. Cautiously approaching the place the figure was told to be at, they wait. And wait. And wait.

'Strange, weren't they supposed to be here?'

It is midday now, and sounds of the forest suddenly halt as if on train tracks screeching to a stop. It becomes unnaturally quiet and the figure tenses as a lone presence makes its way toward the figure. Everything slows down. Their breathing spans out...and stops.

Alone and in the center of the clearing, facing the gushing water, is a nin wearing a bright and eye-catching orange jacket with sun-kissed hair that frames a face with near cat-like whiskers on their face. The nin turns slowly and looks straight at the figure so well-hidden in the shadows. The nin's eyes a startling blue. It seems to mirror the figure's features in itself.

Hooded and wearing dark gray clothing is a nin with a growing smirk plastered on their face. Dark ideas flash in the smirking nin's steel gray eyes. The tip they received proved right, apparently. 'Oh, what fun we will have together,' the gray-eyed nin thought. The smirk only growing at the sight of the blond nin tensing and taking tiny steps back they way he had come.

'Probably in hopes of escaping. Ha! With my jutsu, not even a Kage could escape me if I so wished. This brat doesn't seem to know that, yet. It'll be interesting to see how long he can last while remaining so ignorant of someone as dangerous as me. There's a reason why the most dangerous nin remain unknown. The brat looks stupid, but maybe he can actually learn a thing or two while...travelling with me.'  

Dun-dun-dun! A That actually happened. Like, I have an idea of how this story is gonna go, but then...well, I forget :/ meh. This is highly unusual for me to update, like, three days in a row.

Hugs and tickles,


(A/N: Do any of you know how to pronounce my name? Just curious, btw. I know it's a name you normally wouldn't hear often.)

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