Chapter 01

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They say love hurts,
They say love is blind,
They say love is painfull,
They say love is sweet....
But who are they??? I just want to know them and kindly shake their hands because nothing hurts so bad like love nothing is so painful like love, nothing is sweeter like love, but honestly speaking loving someone is bullshit pure bullshit!
I tell you mmmh...
Oky Let The Journey Begin.
I can't say life was perfect cause it wasn't at all but i'm greatfull being alive.
I grew up away from my parents and i must say it was hard to watch other kids living with their parents. While i know mine gave me away to my aunt to stay with my cousins. It broke my heart a lot having the feeling that my two sisters were living with both my parents. I had a tough life living with people i never knew, the only person i knew was my aunt. Okay but i appreciate that coz i know they had a good reason for that.
It was early February 2010 when i met this girl i don't even remember her name the girl was a bore mmmh.
She will show up at my streets and call out my name (WTF this girl was trying to get me into trouble with my aunt).
I always told her to stop but who was i kidding, it's like i was saying 'do it more do it more'
i don't know what spell did i put on her coz she never stopped, she always told me she loved me more and she keeps on missing me thats why.
We even never hugged because that time i was one of those shyest guy around (Yes i know it sounds crazy but i was those always at home kind of guys, so that was a big deal for me). Plus you can't imagine the kind of girl i was dating, she would keep gossiping around that i was her boyfriend. I broke up with her eventually, coz my elder cousin would keep shouting at me almost everyday because of her so i had to let offence.
I went on being single again during the year I started having this strong crush on this hot sexy girl, same school i was. She was one of those well known, that every guy at school wants,
yes that type of girl,
today you see her with this guy tomorrow it's another one
hey i still had a crush on her anyways...
Her name was Racheal (Let me describe her for you)
She was a little short not that short she had this dreadful hips wow!, sexy eyes, lips oh gosh and well shaped nose, God did his work there I tell you.
Oky oky moving on I kept my eyes on her just waiting for her to make a move but i was wrong not all girls do that or chase boys around. She never seem to know my presence, all she did was just pass by with her usual way of 'Maringo' with some guy around talking about what i never had a chance to know.

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