Chapter 20

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It wasn't until Christmas she texted me that
she had missed her periods. I remember
every word of that text; "I didn't get my
period this month. Nitafanya nini??? (What will I do???). I don't want to be a teenage
mother!!" She had not told anyone except her best friend about what had happened between us.
I asked her if we could meet and talk
about it but she didn't want to see me. I
texted her every day though she never replied.
I apologized, told her that I love her, I miss
her but she never said anything. I decided to
go to their house. I found her whole family
there. Since they didn't know what happened
they welcomed me as usual. Her mother had noticed that she spent a lot of time in her room but assumed that it was because she was studying for exams. Her big sister
went to call her. When she saw me, she ran
back to her room crying. Her mother went to check up on her then she came back and told me to leave as Rachel didn't want to see me. I wanted to tell Rachel's mum what had happened but I couldn't get the strength to tell her. I just went back home so
On 6th January, Racheal went back to
school. She was brought back home on 18th
January because she had unusually painful
menstrual cramps. When her mum told me, I
went to their house. She was lying on the
couch holding her abdomen and crying. Her
sister arrived with some painkillers and after
she took them, she fell asleep. I stayed with
her and watched her sleeping. Atleast I was
glad she didn't get pregnant. After a while,
she woke up. She told me that she had some pains on the left side of the body. I carried her back to the living room where her mum and sister were. When I put her down, she fainted.
She was also bleeding and I assumed
it was what happens when girls have their
Her mother panicked and we immediately took her to the hospital. Her mother called her dad telling him that Racheal is in the hospital in a serious condition...
(she was still unconscious).
The nurses did first aid on her and she
regained consciousness. The doctor told her mother that Racheal wasn't having her periods.
She had a tubal pregnancy, whereby the baby
had implanted on her left fallopian tube. Her
mother came to me and started slapping me
her father tried to control her because the
other patients were looking at us.
(Racheal had been admitted and was in the ward).
She yelled at me that I had made her daughter pregnant.
Her father fiercely told me to leave. I went
back home where I found my aunt and

LIFE IS SO UNFAIROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora