Chapter 06

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My forehead was bleeding my ribs aching... I
was just sitting down there looking behind me
to see my savior, who was coming towards us.
The guy didn't believe his eyes when he saw
His two friends moved aside, a little far from
him. I was very dirty my face brown with soil.
My white t-shirt red with blood and also dirty.
I was holding my forehead which was bleeding.
I tried to stand up, but she came and helped
me stand up, my hand around her neck to her
shoulder. I enjoyed that moment let me tell
you, my pain just went away. She looked in my eyes worried, then
looked back at him. He was like he's gonna
explain but she gave him no chance to talk. I
had this girlish behaviour i was standing
behind her.
Her: Are you alright?
Me: *with pain* yea pretty fine it's just a
small wound on my forehead. (i said holding
my forehead to stop it from bleeding).
Her: Aw, let me look at it you ain't oky c'mon
let me see.
Me: Just don't worry it's a small wound.
This whole time the guy was looking at me with
this angry face like, he was gonna swallow me..
I was pretending that i was alright that
time i was dying for heart to touch me.
Her: Nah! Let me look how it is.
Me: (letting go off my forehead) oky but i'm
telling you it doesn't hurt.
I felt so nice and cool, when she past her soft
hands across my wound, that perfume she had
made the pain go away.
Her: Look at what you did! Robert why did you
do this to him?
Him: I'm sorry, it's not my fault...
Her: Shut up! I'm tired of you, i don't wanna
here ya voice, just shut up!
Him: B..but...but i love you Resh, i do love
you and i know you love me too...
Her: Hehee, oh gosh! I don't, i don't Robert.
My love for you vanished, that minute i
found you and saw you with my two eyes busy
riding on my best friend like your horse. Just leave me and go
to your Mary. I don't love you anymore Roby
(tears coming down her cheeks).
I didn't believe my ears, i was like "WTF! So
this guy cheated on her." i felt so sorry for
her, but still i was happy to hear that. His two
friends started to flee one by one, leaving him
behind pleading for love.
Him: I admit it but it was a mistake and i only
love you am sorry Resh please forgive me.
Looking in his eyes i knew he meant it when he
was apologising he was really sincere and he
truly loved her. But why in hell did he do that
to her.
Resh: Go away Roby, i don't want to see you
again (pushing him away) you've hurt me alot. First you hurt me with my friend and you
didn't even care to follow me. Now look at
what you just did to him, what else do you
expect from me? That i forgive you? I'm sorry i can't, just leave please!
People started gathering over there that i
started to feel embarrased.
Me: Racheal, I'm sorry i gotta go.
Resh: Don't go yet, and i'm sorry it was my
fault they did this to you.
Me: You're making a scene over here i think i
have to go.
Roby: Baby, let the bastard go, i wanna talk to you,
please just here me out.
Resh: I told you to leave, i don't want to here
anything you say.
Roby: I love you Resh (coming towards her)
Resh: Don't you dare touch me!
Me: This people are all looking at us let me
leave you two alone.
Resh: Oky, but not without me, let's go i
wanna take you somewhere to clean up.
Roby: Please hunny don't go, i know i did
many wrong things for you, but am
ain't gonna happen again am so sorry, i love
Resh: But it already happened, i want you no
more! Why her? Why her? Why? There are a
lot of girls out there but why her? (shading her
tears) i just don't want to remember it, go
away and leave me in peace, leave us please!
Roby: I'm sorry i'm not gonna let you leave
with this thing(me)! (trying to hold her hand).
Me: (pushing him behind) Hey! Didn't you here
what she said? Leave her alone!
Roby: You stupid motherfucker!!!
He then threw a blow, this time i was fed up
with this brat.
I missed his punch, then i gave him a hard
kick on his legs and he fell down. Racheal
couldn't handle all that embarrasment so she
held my hand and told me to leave. She was so
scared that maybe her parents would come out
and see what was happening. You know all this was happening near her home. This was all i heard from the women who were standing a little far from us, "Ati sasa wanapigana ju ya msichana?" then another answered, "na vile
bado ni vijana wadogo".
We started going our way leaving the guy sitting on the ground. We headed to the park.
The pain on my body was a bit relieved i was
feeling a little oky.

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