CH.6: His Irritation Seemed Funny

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Assalamu alaikum lovely readers. I am delighted by the amount of support I'm getting from you people. Jazakallah khairan all the lovely people.
Lots of love to all.
So here's the next chapter for you all.
Enjoy reading
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Hazrat Abu Musa Raziallahu Anhu asked Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam "who is the best Muslim?"
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied "The person from whose hands and tounge, a Muslim is safe".
- Hadith Al Bukhari


Closing her closet when she turned around, immediately her mouth fell open and her eyes grew wide.
She hoped she would have not said all those.

There stood Ahyan at her doorstep with a smirk on his face, folding his hands on his chest. He has been listening everything which made the colour of Efah's face change at once. Efah stood there rooted to the ground. She could not even run out coz he was standing at the door.

'what is he doing here' was the first thought which came to Efah's mind.

"Soooo you want me to say sorry??" saying Ahyan came closer to Efah. His smirk not leaving his face. He bent down a little so he was face to face with Efah and asked again with a mischievous smile "you want me to say sorry?"

" should have knocked at door" Efah said moving a little away from Ahyan.

"yeah, yeah, right" Ahyan said nodding his dramatically.

"thanks for your advice but I'll advice you to close the door while you are talking to yourself.....ooor were to doing this intentionally for me to hear??" Ahyan asked smirking.

Efah stared at him angrily, adjusting her dupatta she headed towards the door, just then Ahyan spoke up and she paused.

"Chaachi was calling you downstairs, I came to call you"
"All right" Efah replied.

"ummm Efah" Ahyan called still not moving from his place, his back facing Efah.
"yes" came Efah's voice. She also did not turn, her face was still facing the door.
Both of them were standing still.

"......ummm actually I'm sorry" Ahyan apologised sincerely turning around.
Efah did not reply nor did she turn and before Ahyan could say anything else she ran out of the room.


Ahyan was in his room thinking about the moment he said sorry to her. He now felt relieved.
He was not the one who apologises or says sorry to people so easily. He had a kind of ego problem in him not in all cases but he was never comfortable in apologising first. He always felt awkward saying sorry to people, may be this was because he was the only child of his parents and his parents pampered him a lot. But he did not feel any awkwardness in saying sorry to Efah.

Moreover after hearing from her mouth that he should say sorry himself he was unable to control himself anymore from saying sorry to her.

"Ahyan Ahyan" came Saima's voice.
Now this was something which was enough to spoil Ahyan's mood.

Saima has been trying to flirt all the time with Ahyan and this was something he never liked, neither in Australia nor here. In Australia also, girls used to hit on him but he was least bothered. After coming here he thought he would be saved from all those but it didn't happen because here Saima was there who constantly tried to flirt with him and he was not able to say anything coz Saima was his mother's favourite.

Getting another knock again he got irritated and got up to open the door.
"what do you want Saima" Ahyan asked as soon as he opened the door.

"hey watsup Ahyu" Saima said showing all her 32 teeth.

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