CH.15: Love

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Assalamu alaikum dear readers. Another update for you all.
Enjoy reading :-)

It was time for the bridegroom to meet the bride.

"Assalamu alaikum" Ahyan said as he entered the room.

Efah felt as if her lips got sealed. She tried to reply but was unable to.

'If I won't reply he might find it to be rude moreover we should reply if anyone says Salam to us.' Efah thought.

She mustered all of the courage and spoke
"Walaikum assalam"

Seriously this was the first time she required so much courage to speak.

She felt his continuous gaze fixed on her.

He brought his hand near her chin and pulled her face up gently so that she was facing him.

With a smile on his face he said, "you are looking beautiful."

Efah's eye liner was messed up and tears had messed up her makeup but still she looked beautiful to Ahyan.

Ahyan knew the true meaning of beauty. It was to love someone not for their physical beauty for their inner beauty and that was the reason Efah looked beautiful to him in that condition.
He loved her because he loved her and he could never explain the reasons as to why he loved her so much.

He kept on gazing at her face and was holding her face up with his hand. Ahyan thought she would feel a bit awkward but he could was not able to tear his gaze away.

Suddenly his smile vanished. Looking at her face he understood that she had been crying.

He then cupped her cheeks and asked,
"you were crying?".

Saying, Efah was surprised at his questions was not enough.

" didn't answer me." he said again.
Concern was evident on his face. There were thousand negative thoughts going on in his mind.

Efah nodded her head in affirmative.

Just at the thought that Efah was crying, his heart ached. It was excruciating to know that she was in pain. He was not even able to ask her the reason for her sadness.

And next what he did was unexpected by Efah. Ahyan suddenly pulled Efah into his embrace and held her so close to himself that Efah was able to feel his rapid heartbeats.

Efah could not understand what got into her. She hugged him back and tears started streaming down her face.

They stood there hugging each other.

Tears were continuously streaming down and Efah was trying hard to control her sobs so that Ahyan doesn't come to know that she was still crying.

Ahyan's embrace made her too weak. She was unable to control her sobs anymore and as soon as Ahyan heard Efah's voice, he broke the hug and looked at her. Cupping  her cheeks, he said "why are you crying again?I don't want to see these in your eyes ever and I'll do anything to keep you smiling. Believe me Efah, you are very precious to me and I cannot afford to see you like this."

Ahyan wiped the tears from her cheeks and then  pressed his lips against her forehead. He kept his lips there for few more seconds making Efah fall weak on her own feet.

Ahyan took Efah and made her sit on the couch and sat beside her.
He wanted to hear something from Efah. When none of them spoke for a minute Ahyan spoke up.
"you will not say anything?" he asked looking intently at her.

"what?" Efah replied with a faint voice.


Efah had no idea what to say so she kept quiet.

just then someone knocked at the door.

''yes'' Ahyan said.

Eshal came inside with a smile on her face.

''did i disturb the love birds?'' Eshal questioned looking mischieviously at both of us.

''anyways time is over. Mr.Ahyan you are being called downstairs.'' Eshal said.

''ummmm...aapi five more minutes please. i mean if you dont mind'' Ahyan said looking at Eshal with hopeful eyes.

''no no dear brother not at all. time is over'' Eshal said grinning widely.

Ahyan turned to look at Efah for once and then turned to leave saying just an okay. Though Ahyan wanted to stay with Efah but he was helpless.

While he was walking towards the door Eshal stopped him holding his arms. 

''you can stay. how can i not listen to my sweet brother'' she said smiling and pulled his cheeks like a little baby. Eshal was just teasing him. Even she was very happy for both of them.

''oouuchhh'' Ahyan said rubbing his cheeks with his palm.

This sight infront of me eventually brought a smile on Efah's face.

''only five minutes okay...i am waiting'' Eshal said before closing the door and going out. And then they were alone once again.

''ummmm...i hope you dont mind if i stay here for five more minutes'' Ahyan said.

Efah nodded her head as a no. Efah felt that whatever he said earlier had made her trust him and she started to believe that she was falling in love with her husband.

Ahyan saw that Efah was lost in her thoughts and he took that as an advantage to look at her. Few seconds later Ahyan called her name breaking her thoughts.

''yes'' Efah said looking up at him.

His intense gaze was piercing through her eyes.

''I Love You" Ahyan said and Efah felt her heartbeat stop. These feelings were all new for her. She has never felt any feelings of this type before.

Few more seconds of silence.

''Shall i leave now?" Ahyan asked. He wanted to stay there forever but that was obviously not to be because the rukhsati was yet to be done.

"Aapi must be waiting" Efah said. But somewhere deep down her heart she wanted Ahyan to stay back but she was unable to give words to her wish.

"yeah.... Ok, see you soon." Ahyan said and got up to leave.

Just then he saw that the food was kept untouched by Efah. He asked her about the food.

"I'll eat it later" Efah said.

"No. Please have your food." Ahyan said.
"I insist" Ahyan added with a smile.

Efah could not turn down his request. So she agreed. Ahyan left the room saying his Salam.

Efah sat there thinking about their meeting for a while. A smile spread across her lips. She took the plate and started having her food.

She had her food and stood up to go to the keep the plate but she felt her head getting heavy and it was getting heavier. She sat down again.

She felt her body going numb. She was not able to move her body. She tried to reach to her phone to call her sister but in vain.

Efah was not able to understand what was happening with her. She kept staring at space.

Just then the door of her room opened.

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:-) :-)

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