CH.11: The Proposal

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Assalamu alaikum lovely readers.
Hope you all remember me;-)
Jazakallahu khairan to all you lovely people for being with me throughout.
Here's the next chapter, enjoy reading :-) :-)

"It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts."


After offering the asr salah, Efah was sitting in her room beside the window.

Amber was talking to samiya and zafar.

Efah thought it to be something serious because it was very rare that Zafar goes to someone's house.

So Efah preferred sitting in her room because she was still not very comfortable with everyone except Amna, Eshal and sometimes her mother,Amber.

she sat there playing with her mobile in my hand.
She had completed reading a book in wattpad just today morning so now she didn't felt like reading anymore.
She unlocked her phone and started going through all the pictures
in her mobile's gallery.
Not being in any of the social medias except wattpad, Efah had nothing else to do in her mobile phone.

Sometimes when she gets bored this is what she does. She goes through all the pictures in her mobile's gallery, diving into the sea of memories.
Because each photograph contains a memory with it.

After a while Amna came.
"Assalamu alaikum Efah aapi" Amna greeted coming in the room.

"Walaikum assalam Amna" Efah replied.

"what are you doing" Amna asked coming near her.

"nothing much" I answered her.

"oooo.. thinking about your future husband huhhhh" Amna asked tapping her index finger on her chin.

"what made you think this Amna??" Efah asked raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"C'mon aapi don't tell me you don't know what is going on downstairs" Amna said poking Efah's cheeks.

"what is going on downstairs?" Efah asked again with the same confusion.

"Are you acting infront of me or you seriously don't know?" Amna said keeping both her hands on her waist.

"Ammnnaaaaaa I seriously don't know. How am I supposed to know when I'm in my room" Efah said stretching her name to tell her that she was serious.

"I thought u were eavesdropping" Amna said.

"what.... How do you expect me to do that from here" Efah said rolling her eyes.

"I was just joking dear sis" Amna said winking at Efah.

"about the eavesdropping thing...the rest was true" she added.

Efah gave a mixture of confused and angry look and diverted her attention back to her phone, looking at the pictures.

She knew Amna well, because now Amna will definitely tell her.

"okayy aapi I'm telling you" Amna said hugging Efah from behind and Efah smirked.

Woooaaah her plan worked.

"They are talking about your marriage with........" Amna announced still hugging her.

And her smirk vanished as soon as she heard it.

Efah changed her expressions to normal though it was not at all normal but still she managed to ask "with....??"

"very excited.. huh??" she said pulling both her cheeks.
And suddenly she narrowed her eyes looking closely at Efah.

"what?" Efah asked giving the same expression as hers.

"Aapi why are you not blushing?" she asked.

"Am I supposed to?" Efah questioned her back.

"yeah.... Coz I have heard that girls blush when someone talks about their marriage or future husband." Amna said and Efah stared at her in utter disbelief.

Efah knew girls blush but she doesn't.
This has never happened with her that she had blushed or something.

"I never blush sweetheart" Efah said as a matter of self praise.

"By the way you seem to know a lot about these" Efah said narrowing her  eyebrows at her.

"it's nothing like that" Amna said.

"don't worry little siso your blushing time will also come." Efah winked saying.

Efah started teasing her and this helped her in distracting her mind from what Amna said earlier.

Just then Amber entered with a huge grin on her face.

And finding this an advantage Amna ran to Amber and said "phoopi I have told Efah aapi the half matter, rest you tell her because she is very excited to know the name of......."

Efah glared at her to stop her blabbering and she stuck out her tounge at her and ran out.

Amber smiled widely looking at Efah and came and sat beside her.

"zafar bhai and bhabi came a while ago. Actually they had come to ask your hand for Ahyan." Amber informed.

Efah didn't had anything to say so she kept quiet.

Amber continued "Ahyan will be going to Australia in a month or two so he
wants the nikah to be done before he goes. Zafar bhai said that rukhsati can be done later. As it has not been long since Eshal's marriage so I also don't want your rukhsati to be done so soon. Atleast I'll get time to spend with my daughter."

Amber took Efah's hand in hers and said "I'm very happy for you my daughter. This marriage proposal for you has left me beyond happiness."

Seeing Efah's quietness Amber added "don't worry dear, it's all upon your decision. I will not force you for anything."

Amber gave Efah a hug and after she broke the hug there was  a drop of tear in the corner of her eyes.
She wiped the tear from her thumb and got up to leave.
She kept her hand over Efah's head and smiled at her.

Efah smiled back at her hiding everything which was running in her mind.

After Amber went out Efah sat in her bed taking  the assistance of the headboard.

She was thinking about what her mother had said a while ago. She didn't had any reason to turn down this marriage proposal.
Her mother was really very happy.

And about Ahyan, well she don't know him much but whenever she have met or talked, she found him to be a good person except the first time when they had misunderstood each other.
And remembering the past event when they first met and a smile automatically cracked on her lips.

So how was the chapter???

Hope you'll liked the story so far. Let me know your views in yours comments and yeah please do not forget to vote and share.
:-) :-)

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