•A Day With Reaper•

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"Why...." Reaper whined. Today you were left with Papa Reaper. Who somehow also became your father.
"Gabe, I'll only be gone an hour." Mercy said. "I just need to get a few things from the market, I'll be back soon. Love you~" she kissed your little head, making you giggled. And with that, she left.
Reaper stared at you. And you stared at him. "I don't want to watch this thing." He whined again.
"No don't you start with that! I will put you in time out! With McCree!"
"Hey! I didn't even do a darn thing!" McCree yelled from the kitchen.
"Well you taught her that!"


The hour seemed to drag on for Reaper. You, on the other hand, were having a great time! You were happily pulling on his cloak, chewing on it happily. Reaper apparently gave up, and just sat on the couch, watching a Spanish Soap Opera.
"Tor-Til-La!" You yelled as you looked up at the masked man. He only sighed and picked you up.
"What do you want?" He asked, looking down at your small body. You only cooed and sucked on your thumb as you watched the colorful tv. Reaper sighed again and shifted only a little bit. He went back to watching his program.


Mercy walked into the room. "Oh that place was packed! I'm sorry I was so late..." she saw Reaper sitting on the couch, holding a sleeping (Name). "Oh Gabe~ she's taken a liking towards you!" Mercy gushed.
"Well, whatever." He said, being edgy. But secretly, he liked spending time with you.

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