Whos drunk texting now

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Dinahs POV

Y/n my princess 🙈❤️️: wjat yoi doinn mamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu

Me: y/n are you drunk?

Y/n my princess 🙈❤️️: poppsshh noiiii

Me: where are you, are you with Lauren and ally

Y/n my princess 🙈❤️: yesdds lauwren isd with braffg and ally wuth triy

Me: baby where are you, I am coming to get you with Camila okay

Y/n my princess 🙈❤️️: brass parttu

Me: okay baby I am on my way, go outside with Lauren and ally.

Y/n my princess 🙈❤️: mkayyyyy mami

Oh god I think to myself as I get up off of the couch reaching
"Let's go Mila we got to go get the girls"
"Uh is Lauren going to be there" of course she would want to know if Lauren is going to be there.
"Yes Mila and she is with Brad so we need to leave before anything bad happens" and when I said the name Brad she ran out the door and into my car.

As we pull up I see y/n  sitting on the curb and Austin is trying to talk to her but she is ignoring him.
"Hey bud why don't you back up" I say getting out of my car walking towards y/n

"What are you going to do if I don't huh" he says turning around trying to be tough
" that's my girl dude, and you are bothering her. So if you don't want a broken face I suggest you leave before you get hurt." I say putting my finger on his chest and pushing him.
"Ya ya what ever, hey baby if you want some real d, you know where to find me" he says lifting up his shirt
"Baby why does he have a weird tummy, like no muscles" y/n says giggling
"I don't know baby, that's a great question, hey Mila why don't you go get Lauren and I will tell Troy to bring ally home" " alright"  Mila says as I carry y/n to the car and set her in the seat and wait for Camila and Lauren with her.

Camila POV
Walking into brads house I was engulfed with the smell of weed and alcohol. Where is Lauren was all that was in my mind, and then I hear her giggle. Who could miss that giggle it's the greatest sound in my entire life
"Alright let's go lolo" I say approaching her and brad sitting on the couch in the living room of his house.
"Camzzzz, what are you doing here" Lauren gets up off the couch and comes and hugs me. "Come on Camila, you don't have I ruin the fun" Brad says getting up ready to pull Lauren back into the couch.
"Ya and we don't need your opinion sooo" I say as I log lauren up and put her over my shoulder.
"Hehe camz this is fun" Lauren says as she is giggling and waving at people as we are walking out of the house. And I set her down on the curb and waiting for Dinah to pull up.
"Came you are my herooo" Lauren  giggles as she hugs me and starts to kiss me neck a little.
"Oh Lauren, no stop love" I say as I am trying to say without stuttering.
"Hehe you're cute when you get nervous" she giggles and kisses my cheek. Saved by the dinah. Literally right after she said that Dinah pulls up with her and y/n and yells out the window, " get in loser where going shopping".

Short chapter sorry but comment if I should continue this story..

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