Fourteen Part 2 MMVA

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Can't you just see it happening like....

Imagine: Host: "We're live at the 2017 MMVA's here in Toronto! And looks like the first people are arriving. Wonder who it could be?"

Black limo pulls up, Josh opens the door and Matt climbs out with two women on his arms. Walking the pink carpet with Josh close behind and you can here the fans screaming "OMG!!! WE LOVE YOU MATT BOND!!!, "CAN WE GET A PICTURE? And YOU THE BEST MR.BOND!!!"

Then one girl runs over wanting a picture and Josh jumps in front of Matt, saying "YOU THERE! No touchy the Bond!"  Then all of a sudden there's smoke and Mike and Ian appear wearing black bodysuits with masks and holding water guns. Saying at the same time "Gives us the loot or we're shoot!"  And Matt's like "Not today Ayley, Casselman!"

And as they're fighting, their own theme song starts to play! (Insert cool theme music), the fans are screaming "Go Matt!, Take that Mike and Ian!, Take them down Josh!"

Then it ends with Mike and Ian caught and Matt likes "No one mess with Bond! Matt Bond!" Before they walk off and you can just hear the crowd 'CHEER!!'

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