Forty One

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Imagine: Spending Thanksgiving with the Casselman's as part of an exchange program. Getting to experience all that goes into the holiday because where you're from they don't celebrate it. You spend the day shopping with Ian for the big dinner, then helping Kim and Ella Ruby bake a pumpkin pie for dessert. Later decorating the house before the fist of the guest come, heading to the kitchen after to help bring out the food. All of you sitting down at the table as Ian brings the turkey in, you're in deep convo with someone who's telling you about all the wonderful things about Canada as Kim comes round with drinks.....

Then it's time for pie and ice cream, you and Ella Ruby head into the kitchen to get the dessert and tear or coffee if one wants. After while you're helping clean up, you can't help but think that it was a good thing you did the exchange program as this was something you don't get to experience often and the Casselman's are amazing host family.

Finally heading up to bed you yell to Kim and Ian, "Good night guys! And Thanx for a wonderful Thanksgiving!" "You're welcome! We glad you enjoyed yourself Y/N!" Ian says as you head up to the room you share with Ella Ruby.

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