Twenty Two Part 2

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(On the phone)

Mike: {"YOUR WHAT!!??"}
You: {"I-I'm pregnant!"}


You: {A-are you m-mad?"} You stutter.
Mike: {No! *sighs* I just wished you had told before! So I cold have been there for the first Dr's opponent!"}
You: {"I'm sorry! But I promise as soon as you get home we can go for an ultrasound!"} You say excitedly.
Mike: {"Good! We'll be back soon! Take care and make sure you eating enough, I mean you are eating for two now and remember that I love you!"}

And with that Mike hangs up. You smile to yourself as you put a hand on your belly! Already looking forward to his return!

MTrench Imagines (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora