Chapter One

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Author's Note:

Hey, guys! I'm the Gamerwhogames, and welcome to "Elevator"! (nice name, I know). Long story short, some storms came to my hometown and knocked out the power in most of the schools. So, I started thinking about power-outages, and elevators (for some reason), and fanfiction. And here we are!

This one takes place BEFORE the Witherstorm. Jesse and his friends are "losers", and the Ocelots are still a thing. Hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

Rain poured down and soaked Jesse's brown hair. He tagged close by to Axel who held an umbrella over their heads. He bumped into Olivia as they all tried to squeeze underneath. Though rain poured and thunder exploded, they were determined to go to the mall on Saturday. There was a huge weapons-sale at Craft Town Mall and Jesse and Axel were aiming to get themselves some new swords. Olivia wanted some new arrows for her dispensers and she'd take advantage of their half-price sets.

Jesse clutched his backpack close as they neared the store. Olivia sent him a worried look. "Are you sure they're even gonna let you take that in, Jesse?"

"Of course, they are, Olivia. It's just a backpack."

"With a pig inside." Axel added. Jesse frowned, especially when Reuben squealed along to the conversation. Jesse hadn't been able to stand leaving Reuben alone at the treehouse while they went out. When he had suggested taking him with them to the mall, Olivia had her objections. Their debate wore on for a good ten minutes, much to Axel's boredom. The battle was fierce—even Reuben had oink in his defense—but Jesse emerged victorious. There was no way they were going to leave Reuben at home this time, much less in the middle of this huge thunderstorm.

"How do you know they're not gonna check it?" Axel asked. His words made Jesse clutch his backpack a bit tighter.

"They won't, guys." Jesse said, a hint of worry in his cool tone. "Just keep quiet, Reuben." He whispered to his pig friend as they walked into the mall. Inside, Axel folded the umbrella and shook off the excess water. The store's air-conditioning chilled their wet skin and clothes, making them wish they'd worn jackets. Jesse looked around the bright store before he saw two security guards walking past them. Even though the officers didn't notice his backpack, Jesse shrank back with fear. He was more than sure the store had—and enforced—a no-pet policy. He began to regret bringing Reuben until thunder sounded from outside. Maybe this was for the better, he thought, breathing out his worry in a little huff.

While Olivia was off buying herself arrows, bows and various Redstone knickknacks, Axel and Jesse searched the store's vast inventory of weaponry. They looked through rows and rows of beautiful, handcrafted swords for what seemed like hours. They stopped a few times for a bite to eat. Axel bought himself some gum and candy, and Jesse would occasionally pop a baby-carrot into his backpack for Reuben to snack on.

Soon, Olivia joined them and they searched as a group. As many swords as were available, however, Jesse and Axel couldn't find anything to suit them—or their budget. Even at a fraction of the price, the valuable swords rang a high cost. Jesse held a blue, diamond-sword, styled with sharp, jagged obsidian around the handle and blade, making the weapon look as if it was crafted by Mother Nature herself.

"That one's beautiful." Olivia said, running a finger across the cool, black stone. Jesse grinned in awe.

"This has got to be the coolest sword I've ever...." His voice trailed off as he laid eyes on the price-tag. His smile curled into a guffaw and he quickly put the sword down. "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life." Axel and Olivia tried—and failed—to hold back their laughter. Jesse smiled at his own joke.

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