Chapter Two

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Author's Note:

Heya, guys! And welcome back to "Elevator"! Today, things might be a bit different. I'm going to be switching up my writing style just a tad bit. I dunno. I just have this hunch that I use too many words to describe everything. I'm gonna try writing with less. If you read any of my other stories, you might notice the shift there too. Well, let's see some reviews!

ninokuni789 I used to deal with that fear, too. Hopefully, their elevator is not haunted!

SODUDESO Nope, it isn't! Hopefully things work out for their best!

Well, hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

"We're seriously stuck?" Aiden asked.

"Yep." Lukas replied.

"How long?" He asked seconds later. It was bad enough there was no sense of personal space anymore. But if Aiden was going to keep these questions up, Lukas was going to lose his mind sooner than he hoped.

"Until someone finds us." He said, his voice thick with tension. He felt relieved when Aiden didn't ask anything else.

On the floor, Jesse held onto Reuben. If they were going to be stuck for a while (something he hoped wasn't the case), at least he had someone to pass the time with! He felt Olivia sit next to him. He wrapped an arm around her and leaned onto her shoulder. Her sweaty odor made his nose scrunch. Now that he noticed, her shoulder was bulkier and harder than he remembered. That anxiety was doing a real number on her! He'd never seen such a case of fight-or-flight in his life!

"Get off!" Gill shouted in Jesse's ear, pushing him over. Jesse held onto Reuben, glaring at Gill in the darkness. One side of him wanted to shove him back. But the other was too shocked to do anything.

"Sorry. I thought you were Olivia."

Standing on the other side of the elevator, Olivia flinched at Jesse's words. Someone had an arm around her, and it wasn't Jesse! She squirmed out of the mystery-man's hold, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Aww, why'd you let go, Maya?" Aiden whispered into her ear. Her eyes widened in shock. "You know I liked that." Olivia held back a gag. What had she done to deserve this?

"Aiden, who are you talking to? I'm over here!" Maya shouted angrily. That was quite enough adventure for one day, Olivia thought. She reeled around Jesse and Gill, squashing some unlucky hands in the process as she darted to the other wall. Aiden listened to her go, mouth hanging open with shock and disgust. He was about to cuddle... with her?

"Okay. We seriously need to get some lights." Axel said. That was something even the Ocelots agreed with. They all checked their pockets for something useful. Suddenly, a tiny flame sparked to life! They looked at Lukas who held a lighter at arm's length. He squinted as the yellow glow illuminated his face.

"Lukas, why do you have a cigar-lighter?" Maya asked. Gill snorted.

"It's just a lighter. Doesn't have to be a cigar-lighter." He said drolly. They couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or just annoyed. Her eyes on the flame, Olivia sheepishly cleared her throat. Her skin crawled at the sneers and glares Maya, Aiden and Gill sent her. She barely noticed her friends and Lukas who gave kind looks.

She tried her best to focus on Lukas. "I'm not trying to be rude, but do you mind turning that off? You're... kind of burning whatever oxygen we have left." Shock spelled across their faces right before Lukas snapped out the fire. She felt around her pockets. She did not want to be in the darkness any longer. She turned up with a Redstone block and a button. She placed them down and pressed the button. Warm, bright light filled the room, along with smiles and glares.

ElevatorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora