Chapter Four (Part One)

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Hey, guys! I, the Gamerwhogames, am back! Thanks for bearing with me on that glitch. I figured out a way around it, so you have your chapter! Hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

Looking back, maybe drinking three cans of soda and a whole Slurpee without taking a bathroom-break wasn't such a good idea.

Aiden pulled his legs up to his chest as he sat in the corner of the elevator, hoping no one would notice him constantly crossing and uncrossing his legs. Why was this happening to him and not Jesse? This wasn't going to be good for his reputation at all! Now he was starting to feel glad they'd all decided to pay attention to their dumb game, leaving them no time to question his discomforted face. He opened his book, trying to focus on its empty pages instead of his... condition.

As he read, he heard footsteps approaching him and looked up to see Lukas walking towards him. Great. Company.

"Aiden, why are you sitting like that?" He asked. Aiden looked down at his legs and frowned. He'd crossed them again.

He sent Lukas a fake smile, casually uncrossing his legs. "No reason." He lied.

"Oh, okay." Lukas said, taking a seat. He glanced at Aiden's book, holding back the urge to be too nosy. "So, what're you working on?"

"Not much, really. Just trying to get my mind off... this." He said, lightly gesturing to the elevator. "Being stuck in here with all these people. It's getting annoyingly cramped. I can barely breathe!"

"Yeah." Lukas muttered, looking at his own knees. "You know, instead of being upset about it, why not look at things optimistically? At least we're not in here by ourselves."

"But we're also stuck with these losers. What good is that?"

"Well, I thought Maya, Gill and I, at least, were getting along well with them. It's actually been kind of fun."

Aiden pretended to gag. "I can't believe you're saying that." He said, making Lukas chuckle softly.

"I'm not saying you have to talk with them, or even be friends, but it's just a suggestion." He said. But when he looked back at Aiden, he noticed the brunette shifting and squirming where he sat, legs crossed once again. "Aiden, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not dying." He joked in a slightly strained voice, forcing himself to sit still.

"Dying?" Gill asked, walking over to him. One look at his friend, bearing down even the slightest bit, made his heart leap in terror. "Aiden! You're dying?!" He shouted in his loud voice, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Maya rushed to Gil's side, a look of horror on her suddenly pale face.

"No! I'm—"

"If you were dying, why didn't you tell us?" Maya exclaimed. "What do you have? Did you wash your hands?" She gave a loud gasp, her hand flying to her mouth. "What if we have it, too? What if... we're already dead?"

Aiden facepalmed, groaning in frustration. "Maya! Calm the heck down! I'm not dying! Geez!"

"Then why are you sitting like that? You look like you're in pain!" Gill shouted before Olivia walked beside him. She scanned Aiden over.

"Actually, he looks fine." She said. Aiden sent her an annoyed glare. "He looks like he's been scowling since he's left the womb, but he still looks fine." She muttered to herself as she looked away.

"I'm fine, everyone." Aiden growled.

"Then why are you sitting like that?" Gill asked.

"It's nothing! Now everyone turn around and leave me alone!" He demanded. The anger and spite in his voice brought quick results, and everyone immediately found interest in the walls. Even Lukas, who was still sitting right next to the fuming brunette. "Thank you." He said, his voice full of spite. "I really wouldn't mind if we got out of here soon." He complained.

"I wonder how long it's gonna be." Gill said. He listened closely for the rain, but didn't hear anything. "I think the rain's stopped, but why isn't the power on?"

"Maybe it's stalling or something." Olivia said. "How long have we been in here, anyways?"

"Long enough!" Maya shouted. "Can't you just do nerd things to the elevator or something? Don't you have something in your backpack?" She asked Olivia.

"Hey! Don't pin this on me." Olivia said with a glare.

"What? It's just a joke. No need to get mad, or are you always this serious?" She asked. Olivia rolled her eyes and looked away. Even if they were starting to get along, it was still difficult for Olivia to tell if her bully was jabbing or joking. Right now, it felt a lot like jabbing to Olivia.

"How long should we expect to wait, anyways?" Axel asked, scooting to the door. "It's starting to feel cramped in here."

"Well, once I read about this guy in the news." Jesse said. "He was stuck in the elevator for about a week with nothing but water. He survived, but I wonder what it was like."

"Actually, there was this other guy stuck in an elevator for a month." Gill said. Everyone looked at him with shock.

"Really?" Maya asked timidly.

Well, onto part two!

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