Chapter 7

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Congrats! You've made it to the final chapter! I'd like to give a big thank you to whoever's read, added or commented on this story! Writing has been fun, but hearing support from my friends on FFN and Wattpad makes it all the funner (if funner is a word). Well, you need to relieve that cliffhanger, don't you? Right. Hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

Reuben gave a few last piggy-coughs before he shakily turned around and lobbed himself into Jesse's lap, his whole body growing and shrinking with his labored breathing. Jesse idly reached up to stroke Reuben's furry head, his eyes fixed on the puddle. Even Maya, Gill and Lukas stood to see what the staring was about, with Aiden leaning over as much as he could without putting himself under too much pressure. Maya gasped.

"Hey, we found your phone, Olivia." Axel said quietly. Olivia stared straight ahead. "Well? Go ahead and grab it." Olivia sent him a glare, and then sighed in defeat. She reached out and tried to snag her phone with her nails. She tried to avoid the mess of carrots pooled around it, but she eventually managed to pull it out. She held it by a corner in the room, and a chorus of 'ewe's rose up.

"Does anyone have a paper towel or something?" She asked as she stared at her drippy phone. Jesse gently shuffled to his backpack, rummaging around a bit before he found a soft, pink blankie he brought for Reuben. He handed it to Olivia and she dropped it in and massaged her phone. Seconds later, she pulled it out and looked it over. The smell of vomit seemed to radiate around the room and she hoped the smell wouldn't hold onto her phone. When she happened to glance up, she saw three eager Ocelots towering over her. She quickly looked at her phone and pressed the power button. Her phone really hurt Reuben. She hoped Reuben hadn't done the same to her phone.

"Come on, come on, come on," she droned as they waited on the black-screen. The seconds seemed to lag like soul-sand. A picture of a cute puppy flooded the screen, and everyone shouted with joy. Reuben flinched in Jesse's lap, but Jesse scooped him up like he was a prized child.

"Reuben, we have a phone!" He shouted joyously. The still nauseous Reuben was quick to give a response. Jesse held his breath and closed his eyes when he was suddenly showered with water and chewed-up carrots. Jesse could hear Aiden guffawing behind him when Reuben stopped after a few seconds. Olivia feebly reached up to wipe the vomit from his tightly-shut eyes and friendly laughter began to spread. Jesse managed a smile as Reuben gazed drowsily at him. He lowered him to his chest, gently patting his back. "I need a shower."

"Think I should call 9-1-1?" Olivia asked.

"No, call my mom instead." Gill joked dryly. Still overjoyed, Olivia felt she could ignore his sarcasm for now as she quickly dialed the number. They watched with anticipation as Olivia held the phone to her ear. "We're going home, man!" Gill squealed, delivering a hearty slap to Lukas's shoulder. "Man, I can't wait to get home. I'm gonna take a nap. What about you?"

"Maybe write something, breathe a little fresh air."

"Cool. How 'bout you, Aiden? Use the bathroom? You know, if you haven't already. Have you?" His smile melted at Aiden's fiery glare. The brunette, still holding himself dearly, slowly shook his head. "Oh... just asking. Um, how about you, Maya?" Maya excitedly jumped up and down in a corner, happier than a puppy and a bone, and squealing too loudly to hear anything. "Yeah, I guess she's doing that."

"How long?... ten minutes? Great!" Olivia waited for another answer from the phone. "Alright. Thank you." She pulled the phone away from her ear and squealed with delight. "They're coming here in ten minutes, guys!"

"Yes! Yess!!" Axel shouted, pumping the air with both fists.

"Sounds good, because this place smells horrible." Lukas said, pinching his nose.

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