Chapter 1

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Something I had to write down on paper to get out of my head to stop the writers block. Anyways here goes. Only 2 short chapters.

Switch off the air con. Kurt thought in a haze still half asleep, shivering he rolled over in bed pulling his knees to his chest curling up into a ball. Halting his breath he froze, snapping his eyes open the nights events played over in his mind. Storm, power outage, Blaine. Blaine? He checked the time, two thirty, in the dark he rolled over and sat up. Kurt remembered earlier in the night his friend came yawning into his room complaining about it being to cold in the spare room and not being able to feel his fingers and toes. Sighing his eyes adjusted to the dark, he spotted the curly haired teenager facing away from him letting a content snore ring off his lips while being curled up under two quilts. That's where my quilt went. Glaring at the back of Blaine's head he stretched himself back out before reaching over gripping his quilt and tugged it back over himself, sighing his head sunk relaxing into his pillow as the new found warmth took over his body once again.

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