Chapter 2

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Before Kurt knew it he was waking up cold again. Blaine! He complained as he rolled over onto his back jerking his blanket back. This time he didn't get the chance to fall back to sleep before feeling the cold again, he felt movement on Blaine's side of the bed before he felt his blanket start to slide off himself once more but not all the way, this time he stopped it grabbing a fist full "Blaine." This time he growled his name aloud through his teeth, enough for it to partly wake the other boy. "Mmm." Blaine moaned with a huff rolling over starting to pull harder on Kurt's quilt, Kurt slapped Blaine's hand causing him to waken and his eyes spring open "Ow! What was that for?" He asked pulling his hand back rubbing it with a frown on his face looking across at Kurt who lays opposite him both heads resting in their pillows "For taking off me the only thing that's keeping me warm." Blaine was confused "What?" He asked trying to adjust his eyes to the dark "My quilt Blaine! You keep on stealing it." Kurt picked up a fist full and showed it to him angrily before continuing "I bet you're a bed hogger as well." He sarcastically claimed "I am not a bed hogger!" Blaine shot back in a higher pitched voice his thick eyebrows coming together, his face scrunched and his mouth hung open in disbelief that his friend just made that accusation. "When tonight have I crossed to your side of the bed? I haven't." The curly haired boy justified "You haven't. Yet. But there's still time." Kurt told him rolling away from him. It was now the curly haired boys turn to huff, leaving it at that he copied Kurt and rolled over going back to sleep. Late morning Kurt stretched and found himself almost falling out of bed. Literally. Thanks to his bed side table it stopped him from falling flat on his face. As he gained balance he paused feeling heaviness on top of him, he opened his eyes blinking a few times before looking down and all he saw was dark curls and more dark curls. Blaine. Rolling his eyes he chuckled remembering the accusation he made towards his friend. Told you, bed hogger.

Short and sweet. Thanks for reading :-D

Fun fact: I wrote this story then months and months later found the cover for it.
I didn't create the cover, all credit goes to the artist who did. I only wrote the Fanfiction.

The Cold, 2 Quilts & The HoggerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang