Chapter 1- The reunion of old friends and new

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1:35am 13th July 1969

It was quiet, clear skies except for the full moon hanging over like its the only light that ever existed in the world. There was nothing but dark plain fields, a long thin road that seems to be going on forever and a single car driving upwards.

Its was a black Chevrolet Camaro, speeding across the road the radio blasting until it sleeps by metallica. The driver Helena Blackrose ; was wearing a dark blood red dress that went up to knee length, around her neck was a Black laced chocker with a ruby red glass in the center, a black leather trench coat and black polyurethane high heeled shoes that have a laced bow on top.

Her hair was a shiny raven, colour with an unusual pure crimson streak only on the right side of her hair, it was also in a high pony tail that ends in curls up until her shoulders. She was wearing black make up that seems to be making her pale grey eyes pop out.

She seemed to have a sad but angry, expression on her face, looking like she seems ready to either bust out into tears or was ready to ripe something's head right off its shoulders. Her hands gripping the wheel tightly so tight it might end up broken in a matter of seconds. But it was clear to see, even a blind man would see it. Hurt. She was hurt so badly it was practically radiating off her as an aura that spelt "don't come close or I'll kill you" in big bold letters for all the world to see.

Helena tried to wash out her sorrow with music, but seems to be failing badly mainly because right now the song fits the current mood perfectly. She leaves it on anyway, after all it wasn't the bands fault for making a song she could easily relate to right now it was just bad luck it turned out like this. So as way of dealing with this so she started to think what if she could try to be "normal" what ever normal was. Leading a human life would be boring she admits but it had its upsides and trying to forget this one would may not be easy but even she might have a chance to maybe go to school, make friends and not have to worry about what's trying to kill you for ever five seconds.

And as with that last thought, she spead off into the night, a giant smile gracing her face and her eyes shining with a hope. Rising that this crazy scandal might actually be possible to pull off. Helena put her foot down on the pedal all the way going top speeds down the road.


11:20pm 20th march 2017

"Let's go for a walk Helena, we won't bump into trouble at this time of night Helena ." she said sarcastically while she dodged a punch to the face by a mysterious figure while two other people were standing just a few feet away from them both. "God I hate myself so much for thinking this was a good idea" frustrated at the fact that she got into a fight with a stranger. She lands a kick in the persons gut and goes flying, crashing into the two other people. When they struggle to stand up, Helena walks over too them in a very grumpy way.

Suddenly her grey eyes changed the turned into a blood red colour and the irises went into slits kind of cat - like, two of her teeth lengthened and her nails turned into claws.

"Alright you moronic twit, what the hell was that about" she snarled angrily.

Instead of answering, back the person tackled her so fast she began to speculate wither this person was human or not. Then the most peculiar thing happened the persons eyes were now glowing bright vibrant green. Helena was now struggling to get up being so surprised by the sudden tackle, the person was now heading for her neck when the person suddenly stops and lifts its head back up and eyes stopped glowing. Let's go of Helena and helps her stand up. Helena by this point had her eyes changed back to their original colour and form same goes for her teeth and hands.

"Helena, Helena Blackrose" this person said confused but somewhat hopeful it was who they thought it was."Who wants to know exactly" Helena said suspiciously not sure if its a good thing this person knows her name." It's me you Muppet, Adabella Levit, don't you remember considering, we were best friends in the Victorian era." Adabella said in a voice that screamed 'obviously'.

The two people at the back started walking towards them, but it was in a cautious manner since the fight they witnessed was quite brutal. When they got to them Adabella suddenly remembered about them. " oh right I forgot to introduced you to these two" she pointed to the person on her left " this is Malmuirie Wovgon she's a werewolf and this other person is Lana Vallde she's a shape shifter" Adabella said now pointing to the person on the right.

Helena said nothing instead she was studying them Adabella hasn't changed much just different style of clothes, Malmuirie seemed nice and she might get along with her since technically she was part wolf herself. However Much can't be said for Lana it seems she didn't like her Helena could tell since Lana has a big, massive scowl showing on her face now that she got a clear view on all of them. "So this is the girl your always on about, can't say she seems capable for what we need her for ." Lana said in a arrogant and dislike in her voice she seemed and she seemed quite smug about insulting Helena. How ever she just smirked at Lana " well I would agree with you but your the ones who obviously came to me for help, not to mention just a few minutes ago you were hiding behind your werewolf friend when me and Adabella were fighting."

Lana's smirk turned into a frown, not happy she's been one upped. Malmuirie started chuckling and shaking her head at the immaturity that is Lana. And Adabella kept glancing between Helena and Lana with a worried expression. Helena then looked at her watch and realized it was too late to be out right now." Right well I would love to stay and chat but I'm heading home." She turned and started to walk." Wait, can we stay at your house for a couple of days were in a bit of a situation right now and we need to lay low" Adabella yelled towards Helena.

Helena stopped walking, thinking for what seemed like hours then turned her head to them a stern look on her face " fine but you follow my rules and you will tell me about this ' situation ' your in ". "got it" It was said so firmly that all they could do was nod. Helena truned back to her original path and started walking again, but this time Adabella, Malmuirie and Lana were trailing behind her in silence fearing they would get on her bad side and refuse to help them.

It was like this all the way to Helena's house just nothing but silence could be heard and she loved it while the others were wondering how to break the awkwardness between them but not Malmuirie she was speculating on how Helena's mood changed so quickly during the first few minutes of meeting them. She may not look like it but the girl knew how to read people, even from the most emotionless. This wasn't the only thought that was clouding her head though. Its was if any of them could survive what was to come in the future events what would they do next.

While they were walking, they didn't notice a black cat with bright yellow eyes and with a pentagon symbol hanging off its black collar was in a tree just staring at them. Before they were out of sight the cat jumped out of the tree and started following them but making sure they didn't spot it. Unfortunately for it Lana looked back only to find the black cat seeming to be staring into her soul. She thought nothing of so she just turned back around to the others and started to walk with the others again still unaware of the cat following them.

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