Chapter 3- A tale of a blood stained wolf

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4:53pm 21st March 2017

It was so quite, that it ended up causing a lot of tension between them. And this tension was so thick that it you could cut it like a knife with melted butter.

Currently, they were all in the kitchen, sitting around the dark circular table, just glancing at each other, daring each other if they will be the one to talk first. Helena was getting irritated, they promised they would explain so why haven't they yet. Her patients was running thin, she felt as if she would be ready to force the answers out of them, one way or another even if one of them was her best friend.

"Well" Helena said lifting one of her eyebrows up, glancing towards Adabella. She suddenly looked at the demanding girl like a deer in headlights, she was very alarmed at being but in the spotlight even though there was just three other people in the room. "Do you have to have such a bitchy attitude" Lana mumbled while glaring at Helena clearly not likening the way she was speaking to her friend. Malmuirie's head suddenly looked towards Lana, eyes narrowing to her, she obviously heard what Lana had said and she already knew what was going to happen since she also knew that Helena had heard it to.

Helena's eyes suddenly went into a Scarlet red colour and reverting back into cat like eyes her pupils getting dangerously sharper showing she was about to snap at any moment. Lana's eyes, also changed into a bright red colour. She was bracing herself for a fight that was most definitely going to happen.

All of in a blink of an eye, Helena seemed to fly across the table towards Lana, the look of pure rage, written across her face. Lana having the same expression, flew towards the other rage filled girl. Both seemed more than happy to decapitate the other, they both tried to grab each others throat's hoping they could hold still so it would be more easier to hit them. At this point Helena and Lana were both on the ground wrestling each other to get the advantage in the fight.

"PACK IT IN, ALL OF YOU" Malmuirie having enough of this very pointless fight ended up shouting at them to the top of her lungs, her anger was now getting to her since her eyes was now glowing a vibrant golden colour. She stood up from her chair the anger and frustration vibrating of her. Her eyes were now scrunched up closed but her head was looking down at the table.

Sure enough Helena and Lana stopped fighting, now looking at Malmuirie with a look of pure shock and surprise. It was clear, they did not expect her to ever act like this considering she was normally either quite or was extremely polite whenever she spoke to people even if she didn't like that person.

Adabella was the only one who didn't speak, though out the whole ordeal. She just stared, at them with a mixture of shock, surprise and fear. She didn't know how to feel with this situation, because she just didn't expect this to happen anyway and with the Helena and Lana at each other throat's seemingly literally right at this very moment. Also counting in the fact that Malmuirie has just shouted, which is enough for people to cower away at just mentioning that fact alone. She was starting to consider if going to Helena was such a good idea now.

Adabella snapped out of her little thought bubble as Malmuirie started to bark out orders to everyone which Helena surprisingly followed as well. Malmuirie took a deep breath and then sighed before saying in a now more calmer voice " right,... now since Adabella seems ready to pass out any second and Lana's now throwing a temper tantrum like some sort of five year old I will tell you every thing" she was now looking at the much calmer version of Helena.

Lana puffed out in annoyance "and while your explaining everything what about me and 'A', what are we supposed to do". Malmuirie looked at Lana as if it was the most oblivious question in the world.

" you and 'A' are obviously going to get all of us some dinner since you need to calm down" Lana again puffed out in annoyance and started to lightly stomp out of the kitchen sulking. Malmuirie then looked towards Adabella with the most serious of expression's "and you're going to keep an eye on her, because right now she might end up poisoning everyone's food".

All Adabella did was nod, also having a serious expression written on her face since she snapped out of her thinking. The blonde, turned towards the door also walking out so she could catch up with the angry shape shifter.

Once those two were out of the house, Malmuirie turned to Helena and then directed at the table which was now broken and the wooden pieces scattered all over the place. Helena now in a more calm state looked at her " don't worry about that I'll fix it now." Malmuirie's face turned to that of confusion, Helena shrugged it off and with the flick of her wrist the table seemed to magically fix itself as if it were never damaged in the first place. The table glowed with a black like mist for a few more seconds before disappearing.

"You posses magic?" Malmuirie questioned,"what exactly are you?" The red streaked girl looked back at her. Her eyes were faintly showing that of sadness and pain. Clearly Malmuirie was not anticipating on that reaction " I'd rather not talk about it" Helena mumbled in a low voice on the inside she was scolding herself for showing such a reaction towards the proclaimed 'mother' of the group. It wasn't just that, she was also a bit confused she would of thought Adabella must of told them who and what she was, but apparently she didn't now the question remains. Why didn't she?.

"So what do you want to know first?" Malmuirie questioned as she was walking towards the magically fixed table. Helena, mentally preparing for what might happen next as she soon followed. "Who are you running away from?" Helena questioned. She now could see a flicker of fear and nervousness in Malmuirie's brown eyes. It confused her greatly and it was raising red alarms in her head she knew at that moment she was not going to like the answer.

Malmuirie sighed softly looking at the table with a sudden interest she could feel a pair of grey eyes drilling into her head. She swallowed her fear, but just barely she looked straight into Helena's eyes she was shaking causing Helena to worry more than she would liked to admit. With a jagged breath she gasped out "the people who are after us are the gang called...Crimson Blood."

That was it for Helena, she felt so many emotions but never dared to show them. The main emotion she felt was anger. She felt angry towards herself for not figuring it out, she should of known it would be someone as ruthless as them. She was also angry at the now declared three idiots that managed to piss off Crimson Blood so much that they started to chase after them.

"Okay here's my next question." Helena managed to speak out not letting her anger getting the best of her " how did you manage to piss them off bad enough to make them want your head on a silver platter for so long?." Malmuirie was hoping Adabella and Lana would come through that door now so she could stop explaining about everything but she knew she couldn't hold out now. "W-well... We all have our reasons for running away from Crimson Blood but it was mainly Adabella that caused this." She stuttered out before saying "Lana and I were just adding fuel to the fire."

Before Helena could say anything, they were interrupted by a loud bang signalling that Adabella and Lana had come back to the house and with the food.

Helena was confused by that statement but, at the same time she knew what the girl was talking about. It was obvious Malmuirie and Lana didn't know each other and seemed to of had there own problems with the ruthless gang, that is until they met Adabella and with her own problems with them. Helena realized that Malmuirie was right they did just add fuel to the fire but speaking of the fire. What happened to make it spark into one in the first place? Helena was determined to find out but she had to be careful one wrong move and its all over for her.

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