Chapter 4- loyalty and trust can never be paid easily

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9:54pm 1st April 1971

Trees, that's all the 16 year old girl could see. Just... trees but she was getting desperate to get out of the huge jungle like place. Her face was looking sweatier with each Jagged breath she took. Her clothes and hair kept clinging to her and she was exhausted. She knew it and they knew it too, the girl was to tired that she was clutching a nearby tree with the rest of her remaining strength left.

The moon was now at its highest peak and to its fullest. Nothing could be heard  besides some critters and the girl heavily breathing. The girl suddenly clutched her stomach groaning from excruciating pain and then collapsed to the ground withering. She felt like her insides were ripping apart and being put back together again and her bones rearranging themselves.

She let out a piercing scream that showed she was in pain. Her brunette hair was slowly turning purple and her blue eyes turning red. Her whole body was shaking though out her changes and then stopped. Her eyes began to slowly close from exhaustion and finally fell asleep.

5:00am 22nd march 2017

Lana woke up from her little 'dream' and she carefully rose up from her bed shaking slightly and sweat pouring down from her forehead. She looked around slowly as if she was being stared down by a hunger beast who was waiting for there prey to panic and run.

She closed her eyes and sighed softly in relief, she looked to her left to see a digital clock beaming the numbers 5:00am in scarlet red colour. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly at the time wondering why she had woken up so early. Her head turned slightly towards the door after hearing a few very silent footsteps and a quiet flick of a switch.

Curiosity, got the best of her and she knew it as she was now as quietly and slowly as possible got out of her bed. She cringed when some of the floor creaked loudly her brain seemed to have clicked and realized how not to get caught. Her aura was now visible sparkling in all different shade of purple with a hint of blue. Her whole body glowed a dim but bright white colour until her stated to decrease its height until the glowing stopped and there was nothing but a small brown field mouse.

The mouse scurried off towards its current path and squeezed though the bottom door gap and continued to follow were the noise was coming from. The mouse was careful, not to make a sound and was more than successful than its 'human', form did.

The mouse was creeping down the stairs, when she noticed a somewhat large black feather at the bottom of the stairs. It like it was trying, to lead her were the sound was coming from. As she was closing in on the feather, she clung near the walls just In case she was spotted.

In the corned of her eye she noticed another feather just at the entrance of the kitchen. She crept towards the other feather and then it struck her.

The light was on.

She was sceptical, a part of her wanted to find out what was in the kitchen, the other part was screaming to run back up stairs to either hide or bring one of the slumbering girls upstairs to protect her.

Chills suddenly ran through her spine, the fur on her back spiked up. A gigantic shadow was showing on the walls walking, she changed her form into a cat ready to pounce. The shadow looked like a wolf but not quite a wolf, it was bigger than what a normal wolf shadow would look like; it looked like something was spouting out of its head and to along its spine to its tail. The cat looked at its shoulder blades and it quietly gasped. It was wings like the kind of wing's you would see from a bird only bigger.

Once the shadow stopped walking, nothing else was seen. She looked into the kitchen slowly in case the thing jumped out. She was now shaking like a leaf on a windy day because nothing was there, nothing was causing the shadow.

She feared for what would happen if she looked in the corner of her eye, but she did it anyway and what she saw... It made her blood run cold, even the fur on this cat form would turn white from fear. Their was no shadow but a massive, rugged wolf. It looked a lot like the shadow on the wall and it kept staring at her.

It's eyes were blood red with cat slit pupils, the front of its muzzle, paws, ears, tail and wings were also blood red. The rest of it fur and feathers were black. The horns that were sprouting out of its head to it tail were a dark grey and seemed to be very sharp. Surrounding the floor was a black type of mist acting as if it were fire.

It opened its wings as it took its paw forward like it was going to walk again still staring at her. In pure fear she zoomed up the stairs, she was so fast that all you could see was a small streak. During her little freak out she went to Malmuirie's bedroom, banging on her door in her frightened human form.

"M-Mal? MAL, OPEN UP! PLEASE!" Lana ended up sobbing, tears streaming down her face. The door suddenly opened revealing a very tired Malmuirie, black bags were now under her eyes, her hair sticking out and looked plain scruffy in general.

Lana practically tackled the girl to the ground still sobbing and shaking like no tomorrow. Malmuirie was confused to say the least, all she could do was wrap her arms around the weeping girl and rock her back and forth, constantly trying to calm her down her enough for her to make out what she was saying.

It was a few minutes later that Lana finally calmed down enough to talk " i-i-i s-saw a wolf b-but it w-wasnt a-a wolf exac-tly". The other girl was Even more confused 'a wolf', why and how could a wolf be in the house without waking up everyone else up. And more importantly why would she of all people be afraid of wolves.

Malmuirie stood up and helped Lana up as well, the poor girl now had blood shot eyes from all the crying she had done. Mal sighed while wrapping her arms around the girl, hoping she would speak something properly now. Lana still terrified of what's just occurred that she could barely nearly speak.

"How bout this, I'll go downstairs with you to check if its still there OK". Lana nodded pulling apart from her hug with Mal but still kept close just in case. Malmuirie began to tread carefully as to also not make a sound, not that it mattered since who knows were Helena is and Adabella is most likely still somehow asleep.

Now creeping down the stairs, Lana noticed that the black  feathers were now gone which frightened her a little bit more. Malmuirie easily picked up on her distress, and put her arm out in front of her to keep Lana back as if she was trying to shield her.

Both of them were now leaning against the wall as they were mentally preparing themselves as to what was beyond the wall they were leaning against. Quickly Mal took a glance at the kitchen but seeing as nothing was there decided to step away from the wall and started walking towards the kitchen. Lana was confused why was Malmuirie suddenly so bold.

Lana was hesitant but followed the girl into the kitchen only to learn they was no one or nothing in there, and it scared her more so than the creature itself. Which is quite a achievement in her head. But it made her even more paranoid, because there are so many possibilities on how this event could be explained.

Malmuirie more confused than ever turned to Lana " I thought you said there was a wolf or something resembled one was here?" Lana panicking " there was something here I swear!!"

Just as Malmuirie was about to respond the windows busted open along with a wall leaving shattered glass everywhere and a gigantic hole in the wall. They quickly took cover and and tried to gather they bearings. They slowly got out of there shelter as a man in the shadows just demanded something that shocked them to the core.

"Where is Adabella!?".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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