Dear Damon

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December 2009

Dear Damon,

I'm not sure if any of my letters will reach you... but I'll continue to mail them. Enzo said your greatest fear was being forgotten. Hopefully my writing to you even if it never reaches you will ease the pain of where you are. 

You probably won't believe this, but I never wanted this. I woke up one day and I was completely in over my head. That first day, I remember being so excited to see you, I was sure I would need someone to hold me back from walking right up to you getting on my knees and taking you in my mo.... well I'm sure you get where thoughts were taking me.

I've made a mess of everything, and that's my fault not yours. I was trying to save as many people as I could from unnecessary pain but I never stoped to think how I would be hurting you. I never thought my intervening would derail your progress. You were supposed to fall in love, forgive your brother and mend your relationship with him, you were supposed to make great friends and it sucks knowing I'm the reason none of that will happen.

Part of me wants to drive to Tennessee and let you go but if I hate myself this much for hurting you... I don't know how I'd live with all the people you'd go on to hurt. They don't deserve that, it's only me who should suffer if you were to ever get free not anyone else. But something tells me you wouldn't be satisfied with only my blood.

I hope one day you will see what letting go of your anger would do for you, it would give you such a beautiful life.

all the best,



January 2010

Dear Damon,

It's a new year full of new resolutions that no one will keep. You haven't missed much since you've been away, Stefan and Elena are still going strong, my brother started dating Caroline, and surprisingly my "mom" has stuck around. All things I know you couldn't care less about. 

Oh we did find out you killed Bree, nice one. And by pulling her heart out, I never mentioned to Stefan thats how you originally did it but good for you for trusting your instincts I guess. Lexie was super pissed she wanted to come out here and torture you but we were able to calm her down.

Enzo left not long after locking you up, I'm sure he's out there somewhere killing off Whitmore's. Jeremy cheated on Anna with Bonnie, it was scandalous... apparently it started over Christmas all because Elena had to hang mistletoe, one innocent kiss went on to spark something much bigger.

The way I originally saw it Jeremy cheated on Bonnie with Anna's ghost, don't ask it's complicated. Anyway Pearl was ready to neuter Jeremy but Bonnie's Grams stepped in. She used a lot of magic defending Bonnie and Jeremy against Pearl and later the next day she passed away.

I guess you got another one back I spared from you... although to be honest I always felt it was unfair Bonnie blamed you for that.

I should go, I'm taking my GEDs later, I'd ask you to wish me luck but I'm pretty sure you'd wish I'd take a leap off a bridge.

I hope your holding up alright,



February 2010

Dear Damon,

Well you'll be happy to know I failed by GED, I'm scheduled to take it again next month hopefully it'll go better, but I thought if nothing else my failure would bring a little cheer to you.

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