Feeling Disposable

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3rd Person POV:

Kelly: "Liz! where is she? What happened?"

Liz: "The doctors are looking her over now, there was a 911 call about a woman dragged into a house by two men."

Kelly: "Oh God, my baby."

Liz: "We don't know anything yet."

Matt: "We know they had time to do god knows what to her for over 5 weeks because you didn't feel like doing your job."

Kelly: "Matthew!"

Liz: "No, it's alright, I'm sorry I didn't believe you... it's just someone with Vicki's history..."

Matt: "And what if it was Caroline, huh? What if she went missing but no one cared because well she's just a dramatic teenager who constantly fights with her mom, she's probably just doing it for attention... no need to check to make sure she's not tied in a a basement somewhere!" Matt walks off not trusting himself to be around Liz or his mom right now, he just wants to see his sister is alright.

Kelly: "I'm sorry, I think some of that was meant for me."

Liz nods politely but can't help but feel guilty over what Matt said, he's right... if it was Caroline she would have done everything to figure out what happened to her one way or another but because it was Vicki part of her gave up even before she started investigating. If something horrible happened to her, she would be partially responsible.

Victoria POV:

I hear steady beeping and slowly open my eyes. The light is so bright, it hurts my eyes but once I see where I am I am so relieved. I never thought I'd be so happy to be in a hospital.


I turn to who called my name and I see Matt.

Vee: "Matty."

He looks like he wants to cry.

Vee: "Matty? Hey, what's wrong?"

Matt: "What's wrong? You were kidnapped, you're in the hospital. I didn't protect you."

Vee: "Come here."

He comes over and hugs me before he starts weeping, my heart is breaking for him.

Vee: "It's alright, I'm okay, everything is going to be okay."

The doctor comes in and Matt turns away trying to hide the fact he's been crying.

Dr: "Well, you're very lucky it seems you have some scrapes and bruises... some deeper lacerations around where your hands were tied and a little dehydration but nothing too serious."

Vee: "Yeah, all the lucky girls are kept in basements with their arms tied behind their backs for weeks."

Dr: "Sorry, I'll leave you to get some rest, you should be fine to go home tomorrow tho."

Matt: "You, sure your okay, Mom's here do you want me to get her?"

Vee: "How would she help?"

Matt: "Yeah, your probably right, uhh what about food, I could run out get you something more substantial to eat then jello."

Vee: "Oh my god, I would kill for a burger and fries from the Grill." Matt chuckles,

Matt: "Alright I'm on it." He leaves my room only to come back a second later and wraps me in another big hug.

Matt: "Happy your home."

Vee: "Me too," I say hugging him back. I may not be home home, but this is definitely an upgrade... I wonder how I got free?

He leaves again and My mom and Sherif Forbes come in next.

Kelly: "Oh baby, I'm so happy your home." I roll my eyes not buying Kelly's act for a second.

Liz: "Vicki, I want to let you get some rest we can do a more in-depth interview tomorrow but is there anything you can tell me tonight that will help us track down who took you?"

Vee: "Lucas and Jonas Martin."

Liz looks surprised.

Liz: "They told you their names?"

Vee: "Yup, guess they didn't plan on letting me go free to tell anyone... how did I get free."

Liz: "someone called 911 when they saw them moving you into the house."

Vee: "But I've been in that house for weeks... they didn't move me earlier today..."

Liz: "Well the important thing is that your okay, I'll check back in on you tomorrow."

Liz leaves and it's just me and Kelly awkwardly staring at the end of my bed like it's the most interesting thing we've ever seen.

Kelly: "So where'd your brother go?"

Vee: "Out to get me a burger."

She nods,

Kelly: "Sounds good, look baby... I know you may not believe it but I really am glad your back."

Vee: "Maybe you are but something tells me the weeks I was missing you weren't a wreck with worry either."

Kelly: "Well we all just thought that you know..."

Vee: "Yeah, I know, that trying to find me was a waste of resources because if I wasn't a runaway I was probably already dead anyway. You know I've been clean for over a year, I got my GED, I showed up to every shift I had, I found a way to legally bring in more income so Matt could be a teenager again. And still, I was just something disposable to this town."

Kelly: "baby-"

Vee: "No, don't please can you just go."

Kelly: "Of course, you need your rest I understand, I'll be back tomorrow."

Once Kelly leaves I hear a whistle

"That was a bit harsh, don't you think Vandy?"

I know who it is without having to look,


A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang