Chapter 21

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Bogey's P.O.V

I sat and watched as a car passed by, its exhaust mixing with the air to create a sour odor.

The bench I had directed my attention to, looked worn, its yellowing, wood planks barely able to hold the weight of a slender man, seated on it. I watched as another car passed by and I finally stood up.

Within two seconds, I was beside the bench.

"Akello, it's been...years." I straightened up, as the man stood. I had about four inches on him.

"Bogey! It has been too long." His voice came out a hiss. Thoughts of Seth began to twirl in my mind.

A bird swooped down overhead, screeching. Akello turned to locate the sound, his ginger hair flopping over his forehead. The sun blocked his view and frowning, he turned his steel eyes back to me.

"How is Byron?" I tapped my foot impatiently, glancing around every few moments to look at the people filling the streets. They darted along, bags in hand, coffee, phones.

Akello's expression hardened. "Byron is no longer with us. His apprentice is almost full grown." A slight smile tugged at his thin lips. I caught a glimpse of his pearly teeth. I looked away.

"So how many of us are there now?" The thought kept poking at the back of my mind.

Akello muttered under his breath and he looked up to the sky. After a few moments, he shook the hair from his face. "About five-if you count your little rascal." He was almost laughing.

I could feel my heart skip a beat. I had tried to forget about Seth-I had spent the last few weeks trying to mentor Alex (when Seth wasn't around) and make him stronger-but I always was reminded of him. I shifted my weight to my left leg as a biker went flying by.

"Seth," I breathed out, "That boy-"

"What? Is he too much for you to handle?" Akello had slumped over and was holding his knees. His laughter grew louder. His black coat made his slim appearance larger, yet it held no intimidation.

"Know your place, Akello. Besides, you are new to this game. Just a freshly whittled playing piece." I looked down at him and could sense his hesitation.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that." The coolness had left his voice. He had shoved his fists into his pockets and was chewing the inside of his cheek.

I nodded and he relaxed his muscles.

"So what did you come here for?"

"To talk."

*  *  *

I winced as the sun began to peek over the treeline. Noon was coming, and I didn't have much time. Seth would return soon.

I straightened up as a thin woman exited the house, the old door slamming behind her. Her lips were pressed together in a serious manner, but her brilliant blue eyes were full of worry. She was clad in a pink blouse, white capris hugging her calves. Her fair skin complimented her blonde locks, and I noticed a shiver run down my spine.

A boy followed her, groaning. His thick rimmed glasses began to slide off of his small nose, and he angrily pushed them back.

"Mom, I didn't do anything, I swear."

"Marty, please stop complaining and help me clean the garage." The woman's voice was strained. I swallowed.

"Why can't dad help?"

She swung around to face the boy, her cheeks beginning to flush. "Your-your father is at work and is exhausted when he gets home. Please, you haven't lifted a finger this entire month. All I ask is that you sweep. Especially after you've been such a wise-guy with Alex!"

I sat on the cool concrete of the driveway, capturing every word.

The boy frowned and shook his head. His cheeks were bright red. He didn't say anything else.

"Mom-" A petite girl poked her head around the corner.

"Yes, V?" The woman straightened up, putting her hands on her hips. It was so like Morgan to do that. Her freckled nose wrinkled in frustration as she noticed dirt smudged on her pants.

"Are you taking Alex to his appointment? It's already twelve o' clock." Veronica spoke carefully, noticing her mother was already on edge.

Morgan sighed, looking down at her now-dirtied blouse. "Yes, thank you for reminding me. I lost track of time." She left the garage, after dismissing Marty.

*  *  *

The office was incredibly small. I sat in a shady corner, happy to be out of view of the large windows, the sun burning my skin.

A man entered the blue-walled room, shutting the wooden door behind him gently. His reddened face was covered in beads of sweat and his button up shirt looked two sizes too small. His stomach jutted out in such a way, that I felt even more claustrophobic.

"Dr. Jans. You are Mrs. Cormac?" He sat himself behind a large desk, and looked at Morgan, seated in a black chair.

She cleared her throat and nodded, placing her hand on Alex's back. He had fussed about missing his nap to come to the appointment, and it showed in his expression. He could barely sit still on her lap.

"Yes, I came for my son, Alex. He has been a little..."

"Off?" Dr. Jans leaned over the desk, peering over the rims of his glasses. Alex pressed himself closer to Morgan's chest.

Morgan's eyes took in every moment. "Yes."

The man smiled at Alex before he pulled out a pad of paper. "How old is Alex?"

"Six!" Alex shrieked holding up four fingers. Amusement fluttered through Morgan's eyes before vanishing.

 "And what is Mr. Alex like at home?" The doctor scribbled down a note.

"Well," Morgan suddenly seemed at a loss for words, "He is sweet and loves playtime. He is very active but lately, I have come home to find him staring at walls or drawing disturbing pictures. Sometimes it startles me because he won't move for long periods of time and I-I'm so worried."

"Disturbing pictures?"

"I mean like, tall figures, monsters-"

"That can be normal, Mrs. Cormac. He is a child adjusting and learning about his surroundings."

"No, I mean, yes-but he draws these monsters with pools of blood around them and children crying and..." Her voice began to shake. Alex watched intently. Her eyes clouded over and Dr. Jans slid a box of tissues across the desk, putting on a rehearsed smile as if to comfort her. It didn't work.

"I would draw nice things, but he says I can't..." Alex's words started to jumble together. Morgan looked down at him, slightly shaking.

"He?" Dr. Jans was bewildered.

"Boop. Bop....Mommy, why is there another one. He always follows around S...yeah, that's his name. S always goes 'no Matt.' Matt is always sad."

Both adults watched as Alex blabbered. I stood up. Matt? Why was that name familiar?

The doctor broke the silence, that suddenly fell upon the group. "I see. What exactly makes you concerned about this whole situation, Mrs. Cormac." He eyed Alex as he spoke.

Morgan looked at him, like she was just woken from a deep sleep. Her brows pressed together. Her freckled cheeks were suddenly hidden behind a mask of rosy tint. "He isn't my baby boy anymore."

Hey guys! This chapter is more of a filler, but don't worry, a lot will be happening in the future. I apologize for the extremely slow updates but I have been super busy. Thanks for all the support! Love ya!

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