Chapter 9

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A few minutes later, Prince Yoongi finally came into the picture. "I know her" he says "You know her?" Merryweather asks. "We met in the forest and talked but I never caught her name" he said, "If you want to know more then kiss her, only a true love's kiss can awaken her" says Fauna.

Yoongi kneels down to her level "I don't know about to true love, but I'll try" he leans his face closer and closer to Chorong's until their lips finally touched. He kissed her gently, knowing she was in a deep sleep.

He broke the kiss and when he opened his eyes, her eyes opened as well. "You" Chorong said with a smile. "She's awake!" The three fairies jumped for joy as they celebrated together happily.

Yoongi looked back at Chorong, "I guess I'm your true love" Chorong says with a tiny hint of blush on her cheeks. "You know I'm feeling a bit sleepy, maybe another true love's kiss might wake me up" Yoongi smirked, moved a bit closer to her, lifted her chin, and kissed her once again. Chorong smiled during the kiss but when she opened her eyes, she found herself with Moonbin and Jungkook again.

"How am I here again?" Chorong lazily asked "I was actually enjoying the story then here I am, again with you two". "Like I said, once you finish a story, you'll show up somewhere else telling you that you need to finish the next" Jungkook said, coldly.

"What's the next one anyway?" Moonbin asked "We're going to finish Cinderella, so we're going there" Jungkook said then snapped his fingers thus revealing a glass door that'll lead them to Cinderella. He snapped his fingers again making Chorong's clothes change into a maid's clothing.

"Remember, the prince will come for you at your house but you have to wait for someone to find you" Jungkook says. Chorong nods then walks through the door, she finds herself in an attic with tiny mice and some cobwebs.

"I guess this is home" Chorong sighs, she sits by the window and watches the tiny mice, who are her friends, run to her and up the window she's sitting next to.

Meanwhile, Moonbin and Jungkook watch her through his crystal ball again. "Hyung, how was it watching her be kissed by the same prince twice in a row?" Moonbin asked while grinning from ear-to-ear at Jungkook. Jungkook raised an eyebrow and pushed Moonbin's face away. "I know you like her hyung, but she has high standards for a guy you know? Not a rabbit" Moonbin mocked Jungkook then he pushed his face away again.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just kissed her for the sake of her first kiss" Jungkook calmly explained. "Really? For the sake of her first kiss or for the sake of her first love?" Moonbin batted his eyelashes dramatically, mocking Jungkook. Jungkook sighed "think what you want Moonbin, I'm not giving in to what you're saying".

Moonbin then said "then why are you being so cold to her? It's obvious you got jealous that she kissed prince Yoongi. The first one , well, she was asleep but she wanted the next one. How do you feel about this Jungkook-shi?" Moonbin held his fist below Jungkook's chin as if there was a microphone in his hands.

"What's there to say? Do you want me to say that I like her and that I wish I never chose her to replace all those maidens knowing that I would want her to be mine only? Psh, you'll never hear those words come out of this mouth" Jungkook said but Moonbin smirked "oh, but I just did hyung. You told her not to love, then why are you? You can either tell her or exactly when she finishes the last story, we're out of here".

"And you know what?" says Moonbin "today's her graduation, but here she is helping a bunch of fairy tale characters finish a story and you never even thought about her in the other world! What if someone she loved got badly injured but she wouldn't know because she's in this world!". Jungkook sighed "Moonbin, do you hate me? Why are you like this now?".

"Look hyung, I like you and I like Chorong but you two are from different worlds. This is like Romeo and Juliet but the Montagues and Capulets are two different worlds. They are the reason you two can't be together. I'm just trying to be Friar John here" Moonbin raised his hands defensively then put them down. Before Jungkook could say anything, the palace guard had entered Chorong's room.

"Then who is this young lady?" says the guard, "she's just a filthy servant" says the stepmother. "But she still is a maiden" says the guard as he takes Chorong's hand and leads her down the staircase to the prince, longing for her presence.

Chorong is brought to the bottom of the staircase and finds Jimin standing promptly like a prince. Their gazes meet and he recognizes her immediately. He smiles and brings out the glass slipper, "are you who I think you are?" he asks. "I am no princess, nor am I a rich maiden I may not be who you expect me to be nor might the shoe fit on me but if it does, will you love me for who I am?" she asks.

"No matter who you are, I love you because I love you nothing will ever change it" he says and puts the shoes on her foot. No surprise, it's a perfect fit. He looks up to her and smiles then gets up to her, their eyes smiling at each other. He stands back up, pulls her waist closer to him but just as they were about to kiss, they heard to female voices.

"Chorong?" "Chorong?" Chorong turned around and found her two 'stepsisters' with worried expressions. "We are so sorry, please forgive us for what we have done to you" says one "we only did what mother told us to do" says the other. Chorong smiles as she and Jimin walk past them.

Before they both went out the door, Chorong looked back only to find her 'stepmother' on the staircase watching them leave. She stared at her softly and said "I forgive you".

Once the two left through the door, they closed the door behind them then Jimin immediately pulled her closer to him and put his lips on hers. She kissed him back but when she opened her eyes, she was with Moonbin and Jungkook, again.

"Seriously? The story can't be over yet, aren't I supposed to marry him first?" Chorong whined. "Yah noona, you can't marry him yet! You're only 20!" Moonbin scolded her. Jungkook didn't want to hear her complain about not being with prince Jimin a bit longer.

"No falling in love remember?" Jungkook said to Chorong, but she rolled her eyes and said "that's difficult! I swear, whoever I'm going to last, I'm never leaving him" she then crossed her arms and Jungkook scoffed "you can't do that, what power do you have that'll keep you with him?".

Chorong just sulked in the corner and sighed sadly. I can't believe I'm missing my graduation for this she thought. Moonbin sighed "hyung, can I talk to you for a bit?". Jungkook nodded and they went to his room in his house. "What did you want to want to talk about?" he asked.

"Hyung, what's the next story she'll go to?" Moonbin asked and Jungkook took a list. "Well she just finished Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty so the next ones are, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Rapunzel, then Beauty and the Beast" Jungkook says then gets a pen and crosses out Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.

"Hyung, we go to Rapunzel next" Moonbin said "Why Rapunzel?" Jungkook asked. Moonbin suddenly looked more serious than how he was when he met Jungkook. "We need to keep her happy, on this exact day to make her forget about the real world" Moonbin said with a strict voice.

Jungkook just shrugged until he remembered Moonbin say something before Today's her graduation His mouth opened and Moonbin nodded "I can't believe you just forgot like that" he said with a snap of his fingers.

Jungkook sighed "fine, we take her there but-" Moonbin groaned "but what?!". "We still have some time to celebrate that she graduated even though she didn't go" Jungkook smiled at Moonbin. Jungkook snapped his fingers and said "her room's already decorated, lead her there". Moonbin nodded but they already heard a scream "AAAAHHH!!!".

Jungkook and Moonbin ran out of the room to find Chorong frozen in front of her room with her hands covering her mouth. All the two saw were 'Congratulations' banner in her room with a cake next to it.

Chorong faced the two and gave them both a hug and said "I love you guys so much! I'm so glad you two remembered". Moonbin smirked at Jungkook who was blushing while letting his hand pat her back.

Tears of joy were falling out of Chorong's eyes, Jungkook smirked and took a handkerchief out of his jacket and handed it to her. Chorong smiled and said "Thanks, sorry, I just get a bit emotional". Jungkook smiled and thought I'm glad she's happy again.

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