Chapter 20

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"My Queen!" Sanha shouted as he entered the castle. "I have news for you, it's urgent!" he continued to yell.

A lady in a white ball gown appeared and said "what is so urgent about your news Sanha?". "Queen Suzy! I'm so glad you're here, you sister has gone mad!" Sanha exclaimed. "Yes Sanha, I'm aware of my mad sister but why must you come all the way here to tell me?" Suzy, known as the white queen, asked.

Sanha explained everything he had learned from Jungkook, Chorong, and Moonbin to Queen Suzy. "Where is the maiden now?" she asked. "She's currently trying to put a happy ending to Beauty and the Beast, we can't let Queen Irene do something crazy again" Sanha said. "We must protect the maiden until she finishes the story then, but if my sister attacks within that time, we have to fight" Queen Suzy said with a stern expression. "How will we fight without being spotted by the characters of that story?" Sanha asked.

The white queen sighed "we go in a disguise, we protect them in that story ourselves".

With Chorong and Beast.................

"You're doing well" Chorong said as she picked up another book from the shelf. "Thanks Chorong" Beast smiled as he sat on his couch in the huge library. "I should be thanking you, for cooperating with me" Chorong smiled at him with a smile that melted his heart.

"Chorong, would you like to join me for an evening dance?" Beast asked bashfully as he stared at his feet. Chorong smiled and nodded "I'd love to". Moonbin was watching them in the form of the bunny that Jungkook had put him in, he sat next to Cogsworth, Mrs.Pot, and Lumiere as they watched Beast and Chorong.

"It's working! They're falling in love!" Lumiere said. "Okay, now we shall prepare the ballroom for their evening dance, Mrs.Pot I expect you know what to do with Ms. Chorong" said Cogsworth. "Yes, I shall help her look for a dress to wear" answered Mrs. Pot. Moonbin just stared at them and they looked at him. "What are you looking at? Shoo" said Cogsworth to Moonbin and Moonbin went straight to Chorong.

Chorong picked Moonbin up and patted him, he fell asleep in her arms. "Speaking of Chorong, you never told me about yourself" said Jin/Beast. "Speaking of myself too much may make me sound selfish, it might anger you" Chorong tried to get away from that question. Beast ignored it and took a hint that she didn't want to talk about it.

Hours Later..............

Mrs.Pot had given Chorong a large yellow ball gown that was off-shoulders. Mrs.Pot had to do Chorong's hair with the help of the staff that was turned into combs.

Lumiere and Cogsworth had their hands full with fixing Beast/Jin up. The suit was difficult to put and his hair, is best not to be talked about.

They met in the ballroom large and elegant. Where they danced together elegantly, his right hand on her waist and his left hand in hers.

Meanwhile, with the man Sanha had left behind was panicking, physically and mentally. Jungkook combed his hair with his hands in frustration. Why? Because his hands were full at the same time tied. She was taking too long, she was taking too long to finish the story that he was worried.

Sanha ,his trusty friend, was not there to comfort him neither was the girl that could calm him down. He was having a mental breakdown on his own. He was fearless in front of the red queen but on the inside, he was panicking and was worried on what they planned for her.

Sanha came back and found Jungkook crying on his couch. "Hyung!" he yelled and ran to him. "Hyung what's wrong?" Sanha tried to do something but his hands were tied (not literally). Sanha sighed "If you're crying about the red queen's plan and panicking on what to do I can help". Jungkook shook his head "leave me be Sanha please".

He walked back to his room and found the book glowing again. He opened it up and found the words slowly reappearing, the plan was working, the story was going well. He smiled a bit, meaning she was doing well and would be done soon and once she kisses him, she'll find herself back with Jungkook again. But will it happen again? Or will she open her eyes and find herself back in her world? Jungkook thought and sighed Whichever it is, I have to handle with it no matter what.

Jungkook closed the book and glanced at it once more. If this book never chose me, if this book never landed in my hands, would I still have met her? Would I have gotten her in this mess? Would this mess even have existed? Jungkook flexed his jaw and picked the book up "You picked the wrong person, why me? If it wasn't for you, I never would have met her and I never would have faced this big of a problem".

He placed the book on his shelf and fell on his bed, Sanha was listening through the door and felt so much pity for his friend. "He's in love" Sanha muttered under his breath. "Madly in love" Sanha continued.

Back to Chorong.................

Their dance finished and the two love birds sat down. "Thank you" Chorong spoke softly. "For what?" Beast asked. "It's been awhile since I've had that much fun" Chorong said as she smiled at him. "Same here" Beast said "Ever since you came, things here started to change in the best way" said Beast.

"If you excuse me, I'm feeling a bit tired" Chorong said as she covered her mouth to yawn. Beast smiled "let me escort you to your room". "Thank you" Chorong said as they walked back to her room.

Chorong went to sleep as Beast also felt tired and walked back to his room. Beast walked to the West Wing slowly and quietly as he remembered his dance with Chorong. The way her hair moved with the dance, how she smiled when she danced, and how sweet and soft her voice was compared to their first encounter.

Beast smiled as he walked into his room, but there was a loud noise that came from downstairs, as well as many voices. That only meant one thing, Intruders. 

AN: Sorry for the short chapter pls forgive me, my brain is kinda tired and lazy but hey I'M FREE FROM SCHOOL!! WADDUP YO!!  *calms down* I'll try my best to make the next chapter long :) xD

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