Chapter 12:Eric's Palace/Hannah Fooled Andrew

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Hannah And The Men From Arendelle Have Found Eric's Ice Palcace;Hannah Turns To The Men.

Hannah:We Are Here To Find Prince Andrew. Be On Your Guard,But No Harms Is To Come To The King.

She Geys Off Her Horse.

Hannah:Do You Understand?


Just as Hannah approaches the ice staircase suddenly Marshmallow rises and slams his fists down and roars, Hannah and the men draw their swords, Marshmallow throws the men aside including the Duchess's two guards, just then they notice Eric looking through the front door.

Duchess's Guard #1:The King!

[as Hannah is fighting off Marshmallow he notices the Duchess's guards running up into the castle after Eric

Duchess's Guard #1: Come on!

They notice Eric running up to the top floor

Duchess's Guard #2: Up there!

Duchess's Guard #1: Come on!

[they chase after him and trap him on the top floor

Duchess's Guard #1: We got him!

they raise their crossbows

Eric: No! Please!

one of the Duchess's guards shoots an arrow but Eric manages to produce an ice shield top stop the arrow hitting him.

Duchess's Guard #1: Go round!

the two guards go round the shield and aim to shoot at him again

Eric: Stay away!

He throws ice at them to stop them

Duchess's Guard #1: Fire! Fire!

Eric shoot more ice at the guard to stop him.

Duchess's Guard #1: Get him! Get him!

Outside the castle Hannah continues to fight off Marshmallow as he attacks them and after nearly being crushes Hannah manages to use her sword to cut off one of Marshmallow's legs making him fall over the edge of the cliff.

inside the castle Eric continues to defend himself againt the Duke's guards using his powers, He manages to get one stuck to the wall with several icicles and as He's about to throw the other one off the balcony with his ice Hannah and the rest of her men enter

Hans:King Eric! Don't be the monster they fear you are!

Eric snaps out of her rage, just then the guard stuck to the wall aims his crossbow him, but Hannah quickly runs and holds the crossbow up just as she fires the arrow which then hits the ice chandelier overhead making it fall and nearly crushes Eric, but he manages to run in time but is knocked down unconscious.

Eric wakes up to find himself locked up in a tower in his castle, he notices the window and runs towards it but he's stopped by the chains on his hands, he strains to look out the window and notices Arendelle is completely frozen and covered in snow

Eric: Oh, no. What have I done?

Just then Hannah enters

Eric: Why did you bring me here?

Hannah: I couldn't just let them kill you.

Eric: But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Andrew.

Hannah: Anna has not returned.

Eric turns to look at the window with worry

Hannah: If you would just stop the winter, bring back summer. Please.

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