Chapter 13:Someone Worth Melting For

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Kristen and Sven, looking sad and forlorn, head back to the mountain, Sven stops, looks back then runs past Kristen to stops in front of her and grunt

Kristen: What is it, buddy?

Sven nudges Kristen with his antlers

Kristen: Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?

Sven does a couple loud grunts

Kristen: I don't understand you when you talk like that.

as Kristen goes to walk on suddenly Sven lifts her off the ground with his antlers

Kristen: Ah! Stop it! Put me down!

Sven dumps Kristen to the ground and does another grunt

Kristen: No, Sven! We're not going back! He's with her true love.

Sven makes a face as if to say "no, he isn't"; just then the wind picks up, Kristen looks back

Kristen: What the...

She sees a blizzard forming over Arendelle

Kristen: Andrew!

She hops on Sven and rushes back towards Arendelle

Kristen: Come on! Come on, boy!

back inside the castle in the locked room, Andrew is lying on the floor shivering with cold, he sees ice forming on the ceiling then the door handles jiggle as someone tries to open them

Andrew: Help.

suddenly the door opens and we see Olaf taking the carrot out of the lock and putting it back on his face, he enters the room and notices Andrew lying on the floor

Olaf: Andrew! Oh, no.

he notices the fireplace is out, he quickly places more wood in the fireplace and accidentally throws one of his arms in there, he quickly retrieves his arm and lights up the fireplace

Andrew: Olaf? Olaf, get away from there.

Olaf stands by the fire looking at it in awe

Olaf: Woh! So this is heat. I love it.

he leans closer and holds out his hands towards the fire when suddenly one of his hands catches fire

Olaf: Ooh! But don't touch it!

he shakes the flame out and goes over to Andrew and helps him to sit closer to the fire

Olaf: So, where's Hannah? What happened to your kiss?

Andrew: I was wrong about her. It wasn't true love.

Olaf: But we ran all the way here?

Andrew: Please, Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt.

Olaf: I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you.

Olaf sits behind him to shield himself from the fire

Olaf: Do you happen to have any ideas?

Andrew: I don't even know what love is.

Olaf: That's okay, I do. Love is putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know, how Kristen brought you back here to Hannah and left you forever.

a realization comes over Andrew

Andrew: Kristen loves me?

Olaf moves around to face his]

Olaf: Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?

the fire starts to melt his face and he pushes his nose back in

Andrew: Olaf, you're melting.

Olaf: Some people are worth melting for.

as his face starts to melt he tries to hold it up

Olaf: Just maybe not right this second!

suddenly the blizzard outside blows the windows open

Olaf: Don't worry, I've got it!

Olaf rushes over to the window and starts to close the windows

Olaf: We're going to get through...

suddenly he notices something

Olaf: Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something.

he breaks an icicle off the window and uses it as a telescope

Olaf: It's Kristen and Sven! They're coming back this way.

Andrew: They...they are?

Olaf: Wow, She's really moving fast. I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristen doesn't love you enough to leave you behind.

back at the castle Andrew and Olaf bust open a window and Olaf helps Andrew to step on the ledge

Olaf: Slide, Andrew!

they both jump down and slide down the snow with Olaf gathering the snow around his body, as the stop at the bottom his bottom half looks huge with extra snow

Olaf: We made it!

as Andrew gets to his feet Olaf shakes off the extra snow; on the fjords Kristen rides Sven as fast as he can when they hit the blizzard

Kristen: Come on, buddy, faster!

we see Andrew and Olaf reach the shore of fjords

Andrew: Kristen!

as they start walking the blizzard blows Olaf's body apart, he shouts as he goes swirling off

Olaf: Keep going!

Andrew struggles through the blizzard

Andrew: Kristen!


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