Chapter 1: Transfer Students

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January 7th, 2017

Third person view

tap. tap. tap.

The monotonous drone of Ayano's neon green lead pencil against her rickety desk was constant and soft, barely heard amongst the continuous chatter that encompassed the room. Ms. Jun, their new homeroom teacher was always late, so the students of class 2-1 took the oppurtunity to talk. If there was one thing Ayano had learned from high school; it was that people loved to talk. They could do it for hours at a time, gossiping about almost anything.

Ayano watched the clock above the blackboard, reading the hands. 8:17 AM. Senpai would be in his classroom right now.

She pictured his chewed up pencil between his strong molars. She pictured his teeth, biting at her lower lip, kissing her under the sakura tree where she would confess to him. "Oh... senpai" She whispered under her breath. She could feel her cheeks going red at the mere thought of him, just a classroom above her. Now that Osana was out of the way, would he finally be hers? She smiled at the thought of it, closing her eyes and letting the giddy feeling of love encompass her for a split second, until the door opened loudly. Almost falling out of her seat, Ayano was yanked out her dream as easily as she'd fallen into it. Ms. Jun was standing at the head of the room, a cheery smile on her plump, rosy face.

"Hello everyone! How was your break?" She asked. A murmur of indistinct speech passed around the room, knowing she didn't really care about the answer. "Well, I have some very exciting news for you! Today, we would like to welcome not one, but TWO new transfer students from Yomiyama high school. Please welcome them to the class and treat them kindly." For the first time, She noticed the two girls standing awkwardly by the door, looking as if they'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Nami-Chan, Reina-Chan, come in! How about you tell the class something about yourselves?" Ms. Jun's face was enveloped in a slight smile. "Don't be afraid."

Hesitantly, the shorter of the two girls walked up to the front of the class, and brushing a lock of unruly white hair out of her face, she introduced herself." Hello. My name is Nami Katsuko. I was born in japan and transferred here because of my father's work." Her voice was blank, and the students gave each other bored looks. It was obvious what they were thinking: "freak" It didn't take anyone long to realize that the students of Akademi high were very quick when it came to jumping to conclusions.

"Great! Nami-chan, how about you sit next to Ayano-chan. Ayano, could you raise your hand please?" She asked. She did as she was asked and raised her hand and Nami loitered over, observing the other students in the room as she walked past them. Neither of them bothered to make pleasantries.

The other girl smiled shyly, and blushing, she slowly walked up. "Hello everyone! My name is Reina Ayazuka! I transferred here because of some personal issues, and it's very nice to meet you all!" She bowed in introduction. "Reina-chan, you can sit next to Saki over there. Saki, if you could-" Saki's hand shot up into the air so fast that she almost hit herself in the face. Reina hurried down the aisle, stopping only to give a brief smile to Nami.

"Excellent! I hope you enjoy this school year." Ms. Jun said, before pulling on her heavy reading glasses. "Now, i'd like you all to pull out your biology textbooks and flip to page 342. We'll be moving into a new unit on biochemistry. Please read chapters one and two. Nami-chan, Reina-chan, if you can share textbooks with the people next to you for today I'll be sure to get you some by tomorrow. Again, I hope you like it here at Akademi High!"

Ayano noticed Nami shoot her a sidelong glance out of the corner of her eye before turning her gaze back towards the textbook. It wasn't saddening in the least - the look was one she often saw being given to her. A wary look. One of suspicion and mistrust. Some people would find it hurtful. They'd feel their heart clenching in sadness. But Ayano didn't feel anything. Frankly, she didn't care either. What drove people to seek friends or form relationships? All that mattered to Ayano was her senpai. So why was it different for everyone else?she looked over at Nami, drumming her fingers as she waited for her to take out her textbook. Ayano reached down into her bag to pull it out when she remembered with a start, all the sketches she had within, all of them depicting Osana's demise. She raised her hand, waiting for the teacher to take notice.
"Yes, Ayano?" The teacher asked, looking up from her desk and nodding her head in her direction.
"Jun sensei, I seem to have forgotten my textbook at home." Ayano lied, emotionlessly. The teacher hummed thoughtfully before responding.
"Ok, Nami- you can share with Osana-chan for today then! Saki-chan, do you mind sharing with Ayano?" However, before she had the opportunity to even open her mouth, her teacher gasped, realizing her mistake. It hadn't been long since Osana had died. No one would blame her. It looked as though they'd all forgotten as well. But Ayano hadn't. For she had been the cause of her death. Did it matter in any way, at all, to her? No. She'd loved watching her die. Nothing about it bothered her. It was wonderful.
"I'm sorry." Jun sensai whispered wistfully. There was was a long pause as everyone took a moment to grieve in silence. Ayano took the time to day dream about her senpai. What better use for her time? The silence was only pierced when the teacher cleared her throat. And muttered, a little more composedly than she had earlier, "Would anyone like to volunteer to share with Nami-chan?" A single person raised their hand and Nami moved to sit beside them. Ayano didn't see who it was.
She rested her head on her hand and waited as the remainder of the class transpired uneventfully.
Nevertheless, it was what happened after class that was interesting. Very interesting actually. In fact it was quite angering. And something needed to be done about it.
Once the class was finished, everyone stood from their seats to begin making their way to the very same spots they ate at every day. Nothing about them was entertaining in anyway. Boring, soulless creatures were what they were. Not like her senpai. There was nothing boring about him. Everything about him was beautiful. She didn't care what he was doing, she could stare at him for hours and never feel her her interest dull in any way. His name. She couldn't even bring herself to say it. Not until she knew he was hers. That was the path her thoughts trailed along as she strolled out of the classroom. She was walking when she spotted senpai in all his beautiful glory around the corner. Obviously heading towards the courtyard. Why was it obvious? Well, to Ayano there was nothing about her senpai that wasn't obvious.
Either way, she started to follow him. Like a baby duckling following its mother, she trailed after him everywhere he went. It was for this reason that she witnessed what happened next.
As the new student, who Ayano currently knew as Nami turned a corner at the exact time her senpai did, she walked straight into him as though he were some kind of glass door. It was like she hadn't even seen him. It was horrifying! Devastating! Even worse, however, was that he caught her when she fell! Why!?
Why her, of all people! To most people, what folllowed may have looked like an ordinary exchange. Nami thanked him, he smiled and claimed that it was "no problem" - despite how horrible touching her must have been - and they both continued on their way. Despite that, Ayano saw it for what it truly was. An evil, conniving, disgusting witch, trying her best to steal her senpai's heart! Her senpai had resisted her trickery and his powerful will had maintained full control of his body. Although Ayano had known her senpai would have been able to survive, she realized instantly that she needed to rid the world of this cockroach, who had attempted to snatch her senpai away from her. Not only that but she needed to do it as fast as she could.




AUTHORS NOTATION: Hello! We're Lex and Kiki! If you enjoyed this chapter, please be sure to vote🌟 The next chapter is coming out Friday, April 21st
We hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for reading :)

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