Chapter 3: The Queen Has Returned

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Her alarm was heinous, Ayano decided, knocking her poor phone off of the nightstand beside her bed.
She tumbled out of bed into a crumpled heap onto her itchy beige carpet, wiping at her crusted eyes, Ayano yawned, suddenly more alert from the sudden cold - an unfortunate side effect of being disentangled from her heavenly duvet. She distantly noted the streams of sunlight, filtering through the rattan blinds that stood swinging against her slightly open window.

Fighting the urge to get back into bed and sleep, Ayano padded over to the bathroom, shivering as her bare feet touched the icy white tiles. She'd lost her favorite bunny slippers what seemed like ages ago and between schoolwork and following senpai, she hadn't had much time to find them again.

Switching the lights on in hope of illuminating her painfully bare bathroom, she yanked some of the (many) knots out of her hair with an old brush and tied them into her customary ponytail, before splashing some ice cold water on her face and brushing her teeth hastily. The dim lightbulb flickered momentarily, casting Ayano in shadow, however, it was a regular occurrence and didn't effect her in the slightest. By the time they had switched on again, she was already in her uniform and out the door.

Outside, it was a brisk, cold, morning, and Ayano's breath created puffs of fog in the air as she wrapped her familiar green scarf around her neck and hopped on her bicycle. It was still early and the streets were mostly empty, save a few students walking to school. The trees rustled in the wind, and though it was January it felt as though it was November.

It had barely been five minutes since she'd set out, but Ayano's stomach was already growling in hunger, and after stopping by a nearby cafe for a cup of coffee and a croissant to sate the ache in her stomach, she hurried along to school. The bike ride wasn't a long one, but she'd slowed down because of the slightly icy streets and brisk wind.

When Ayano reached school, she noted, relieved, that she was on time. She had to find a way to eliminate Nami as soon as possible.Her vision was red hot, and she was full of anger, the hatred and abhorrence practically radiating of off her. With every step she took, her speed increased as she began to go faster, step by step. 'Nami will die,' Ayano vowed. All that mattered was eliminating Nami. Ayano didn't even notice she had broken into a run, until--

"Hey! WATCH who you bump INTO!" Ayano looked up from he ground she'd fallen on in a startled shock to see Kizana Sunobu towering over her. Kizana was Ayano's upperclassman, as well as the step-sister of Kokona Haruka, a former 'rival.' "I'm sorry." Ayano mumbled hastily, bowing respectfully. Kizana frowned at her. "GOD! Clumsy little bitches like you are the absolute BANE of my existence." She pressed her hand to hr forehead dramatically, swooning. "Kizana-chan! Are you alright?" Doro Gomi approached hurriedly, catching the girl as she tilted her head up dramatically and opened her eyes. All was calm for about a second before Kizana tumbled out of his arms and brushed off her uniform, glaring daggers at the male student. "You're DISGUSTING! Don't you DARE touch me EVER AGAIN, you--you--YOU BLUE HAIRED GARBAGE." Fuming in rage Kizana strutted off, Doro rushing after her.

Ayano picked up her books calmly, and continued walking, with only one question swirling around in her brain. "Why was Kizana back?" Kizana had left late last year, and when questioned, Kokona, she only mentioned some fancy acting school. Everyone- whether they wanted to or not- knew that acting was Kizana's dream, so why would she come back here?

Somehow, Ayano knew she wouldn't like the answer. Scanning through the crowd to try and find the purple haired girl, she found herself recoiling in shock and slight disgust. It was Amai. Amai Odayaka. And she wasn't alone. She was with Oka Ruto, the leader of the occult club. But Oka didn't matter for the moment--Ayano had gotten Amai transferred last year, after discovering she had a crush on senpai, and the chances of her coming back had been MINISCULE.

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