Chapter 4:Mi-DIE-ri

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Ayano didn't know Budo particularly well. If it didn't affect her chances with senpai, she didn't care to learn about what someone was like. He also looked similar. They both shared the same charcoal-black hair, dark yet friendly eyes, and scarily pale skin. 

Truth to be told, these weren't uncommon traits amongst the Japanese, but in a school where almost everyone had hair in strange colors, it made Ayano uneasy. Or angry at least. Senpai deserved to get his OWN unique hair color (Because he was that special). It was funny, because before she'd learn that senpai only had one sibling; a sister named Hanako, she'd thought Budo and Senpai were related. Aside from the fact that senpai's skin was .005 shades lighter, as well as the fact that Budo had a disgusting mole on his cheek whilst Senpai's skin was unmarred, they looked eerily similar. (And that was coming from Senpai's future wife)

That of course had been disproved though. Now, she stood face to face with the boy. No one else was on the roof today-- Midori was trying to get wifi to contact some 'Yandere Dev' guy, who was assumed as her boyfriend, and Inkyu and Sakyu Basu had both gone to try and contact some 'Akuma Tenshi', so naturally Oka had followed them. The only witness would be Mai Waifu, who stood nowhere near them-- in fact she was on the opposite end of the roof, her magenta hair swaying in the slight wind.

"Oh, Aishi-Chan!" Budo greeted cheerily. Clearly he hadn't heard the anger in her voice. "It's nice to see you." He said, as she walked away slowly, in search of a new place to think.

"It was nice to see you too." Ayano said, bowing politely before she walked away. "Wait! Aishi-chan! What's wrong?" Budo caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. Ayano went as still as a statue. "Nothing." She said. And it was only half a lie- in time, nothing WOULD be wrong, because Amai, Kizana and Nami would all be dead.

She gave a slight giggle at the thought, and realized how strange that must've sounded. "You're kinda cute" She lied, winking in haphazard attempt to flirt. Budo was red up to his ears now and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "T-Thank you, Aishi-chan." He said, lowering his head slightly."So... if you feel that way-- will you go on a date with me?" He asked, his eyes shining with hope.

Ayano stepped back slightly as the calm and gradually warming weather began to turn windy. The scent of sakura blossoms from below had been blown up into the air and Ayano shivered. And that was when she realized three fundamental truths at the exact same time. Budo was in love with her. Madly. Uncontrollably. So, unless she could temper him and use him, he could damage her relationship with senpai. Secondly, he believed that she loved him too. She could tell by the certainty in his eyes. He wasn't expecting an answer other than yes. And thirdly, If her answer was anything other than yes, chances were he'd think she was dating someone else, and follow her around, which could lead to a few different situations.

Bad Situations

"Oh--Budo- kun, i'd love to! Do you have any specific date or time??" She asked, trying to hide her disgust as she glanced around for a weapon she could use to kill him. She squinted around and saw a broom leaning agains the wall and she began to move them towards it, slowly taking a step to the right "Yeah actually!" He said. "How does Shiganshina District, on Saturday sound to you?" He asked. "Sure! What are we going to do? I've heard Shiganshina is colossal though..."

"We have a few different options- for one, I heard Kizana Sunobu has a drug dealer who she plans to meet up with on Saturday." Ayano's eyes widened and she stopped inching towards the broom, startled by this."R-Really?? Who told you?" Suddenly it seemed several degrees warmer, so she stood up straight. "I heard Kizana talking on the phone earlier. Here- I taped them. He pulled out a charcoal grey tape recorder and Ayano raised her eyebrow. "Wouldn't it have been less of a hassle to just use your phone?" she asked, secretly marveling at his stupidity. "O-Oh." He turned as red as a tomato. "I actually don't have a phone." He mumbled, observing his shoes. 

"Okay, that's fine then. Here, pass it over and i'll take a look at the computer lab. Your club is waiting for you, right?" She asked. Budo hesitated, looking as if he was about to disagree with her, but (wisely) choosing to stay silent.

 As he began to walk away, he paused. " Ayano-chan, lets meet at 4:30 in Shiganshina district by the docks! I'll be near the fish salesman with the grey beard and polka dotted stall." He called. 

"Okay!" She called, pushing forwards a schoolgirl-esque tone of excitement and glee. 

As soon as the sound of Budo's footsteps had receded into the distance, Ayano grabbed the broom, her knuckles white from her unnecessarily tight grip. "It's time to clean up some garbage." She sneered. And then she stopped, halting altogether, as a picture of Budo's blushing face worked into her mind. "He'd be better used alive."

As soon as she opened the door to the gaming club, she winced at the loud music playing, courtesy of Midori who was singing along, slightly off-key to Funhouse by p!nk as she danced around the room. Pippi and Ryuto weren't there at the moment, but Ayano could make a few creative guesses as to where they might be... One of them was the broom closet at the front of the school, where she'd accidentally walked in on the two. 'Impure' affection was scorned at Akademi, so if anyone wanted to do more than hug and hold hands, they'd have to go through with extreme measures. 

But back onto Midori. Ayano couldn't see any way to use her, and all of her questions would probably just make her get in the way, so Ayano connected a stray wire, and pretended to trip so she could stick it in Midori's shoe. "Oh my! Ayano-senpai, are you okay?" She asked concernedly. "'I'm fine!" Ayano said, smiling cheerfully. "Could you bring me a screwdriver though, one of the thingies in my shoe got all weird. "Yeah sure!" She exclaimed, leaping around and twisting her ankle on the cord. Ayano stepped back as the computer fell too, smashing onto the floor in an explosion of sparks and sending shock after shock into Midori until she died. 

Ayano guessed it was safe to say that was the end of Midori Gurin, as her charred corpse fell to the floor, and she shoved the tape into the cassette, listening carefully. 

The first few seconds of the tape were all static before a conversation began to wind its way in. " Hello? Oh pick up dammit!" Kizana said, her voice shaking. " Oh- Finally! Where WERE you?" She paused. "Yes, you did, for a matter of fact." "I need some of the good stuff. Like on Saturday." Her voice turned pleading. "Please? You know what happens when i don't get any-" "Thank you! How does 5 o'clock at Shiganshina district sound to you? I'll meet you at the Docks."

Ayano grabbed her tape and ran out as the alarm began to sound, safe in the knowledge that she'd been wearing gloves and that it would be ruled an accidental death either way. 

Now, it was time to eliminate some of her new 'friends'

Author's note: Hey everyone! Kiki and Lex here! so we just wanted to apologize for the short chapter and update you on a few things. So firstly, we have some big(ish) news The big news is that we will be releasing a new book, and it will be Ayano x MALE RIVALS. It has a super cool plot, which i am personally a big fan of, and we have our cover and title, so stay tuned for that<3 

We LYGSM so thank you for reading 

-Kiki and Lex

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