Chapter 6: Death and Disgust

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Kizana made Ayano sick. She was a disgrace, even amongst the disgusting girls who thought they liked Ayano's senpai(Which they clearly didn't. If they loved him they'd understand that he deserved BETTER than them) So that was why her elimination had to be brutal. She had made the mistake of leniency with Amai and now she was back to haunt her. With of course, the exception of Hanako. (After all, Ayano couldn't just go around killing her future in laws, could she?)

Amai was consequently next on Ayano's list, but Kizana was first. It was common knowledge of her feelings for Senpai, and well- Ayano simply couldn't allow her to live. This, of course was why Ayano stood alone in the desolate drama club, toying with a slender knife that rested between her fingers and a rope in her other hands. She checked her phone again and smirked. It was already 3:56, Kizana would be there in four minutes.

"I suppose that its time to set the stage." Ayano said to herself, pulling out a box and leaving it in front of the screen. The box was overflowing with silky velvets and chipped jewelry. "Lucky you, Kizana. On your last day, you get to look like a queen." Ayano smirked, relishing the feeling of knowing that one of her rivals was about to die.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed down the corridor and Kizana flipped open the door, slightly out of breath. "Huh- You aren't Tar-" Was as far as she could get before Ayano gagged her with a piece of cloth and roughly yanked the purple haired girl to the floor. In order to get Kizana to come over, she had asked Kizana to come to the drama club at 4:00, to discuss drug addiction and signed it 'Taro', which happened to be the name of Ayano's senpai.

Ayano grabbed the magical girl wand and smashed it into Kizana's head until she crumpled, her limp figure prone on the wooden floors."Perfectly. Everything is working out perfectly." Ayano laughed, gleefully, but tried to muffle the sounds as they became maniacal. She couldn't afford to let anyone disturb her.

As for what Ayano was going to do... It was cruel, disgusting and messy. But it would be worth it. Everything was worth it when it came to him. A smile split her lips once more, and she neatly began her work, folding and cutting and sewing as the minutes ticked by.

Kizana would have quite the surprise when she awoke, which--to the rivals credit-- was sooner than Ayano had anticipated. She gave out a muffled screech against her gag, and wriggled around frantically. But it was no use. Her arms and legs were sewn together, after all. Noting that her victim was awake, Ayano studied her. Purple eyes, and hair to match. She was beautiful on the outside, Ayano thought resentfully.

A shame the inside didn't match. As Ayano toyed with a knife in between her fingers, Kizana's shrieks became increasingly more desperate, and as Ayano gently tied the mask on her neck, taking her time and knotting it tighter and tighter, as Kizana began to claw at her.

And then, slowly, Ayano cut through the center of Kizana's uniform, from between her collarbone down to her belly button, and cut through her clothing and then to her skin, carving a deep slit. She unknotted the drama mask, and the woozy Kizana tumbled around dizzily, her blood splattering the floor and painting it a macabre and glossy red as Ayano dragged her up three flights of stairs to the roof. Throwing her against the ledge, Ayano ripped through the tissue and muscle as fast as she could,  snapping her ribs so they flipped out as Kizana screamed in agony. Ayano smiled, noting that the ribs looked like gory wings, and she removed the gag, shoving her over the railing.

"Fly birdy, fly." She taunted, watching as she writhed in pain before she hit the floor, a mess of entrails and organs spilling out onto the grass. Her skin and body was so far gone that the only way you could recognize that it was Kizana was from her vivid purple hair.

Her disgusting purple hair.

Christmas had just past. It wasn't her favourite holiday. Unfortunately, whenever it ended, it left a trail of Christmas music that plagued the ears of almost everyone and anyone. No one could escape it.

A particularly annoying song was stuck in her head. It was unpleasant to say the least. Silent Night.
Her mother had loved the song. It was always playing around this time of year.

Unconsciously, she began to hum along to it as she made her way to her next target.

The cooking club would be finishing up about now. Amai would be the only one left.

Smiling to herself, she continued on her way, beginning to sing along to her little song. She didn't remember the lyrics so she made some up. They had to do with senpai and the deaths of her rivals.

She made it to the door and slowly pried it open, peeking her head inside.
"Amai-chan? Where are you? It's just me." She grinned maliciously. "Ayano."
Hearing no reply, she stepped inside. To find Amai with a cloth in her rubbing vigorously at the counter.
It seemed she hadn't heard her.

So now she would learn what happened to people who don't hear Ayano Aishi.

"Amai!" She chirped from behind cheerfully and watched her turn around. It was almost like it went in slow motion.

She let her get a good look at her smiling face before she grabbed Amai by her hair and slammed her face into the counter top. There was a loud scream that came from her mouth as the table corner got nearer to her head. A loud, heavy sound rang out.

It was beautiful. Much better any Christmas song.

Pulling her up, she slammed her head down again. And again. Until her once beautiful face was a terrible, bloody mess. Her nose was long broken and she was missing a tooth.
Again and again she beat her. Kicking and punching and slamming down on different surfaces. No one heard her agonizing shrieks of horror.

After a while, even the screams stopped. She only cried.

And boy did she cry a lot. How many tears did she have in her? Ayano gazed at her creation in distaste and scowled. She looked pitiful, beepaten up AND and lying sprawled in the ground. Her back resting against the island behind her.

Ayano crouched down and traced a finger along her broken jaw, smiling sadly.
Amai really was quite beautiful. She could have lived a happy life.

But she chose to love the wrong person. Clenching her jaw in anger, Ayano roughly grabbed a hold of her chin. She was revolting. Truly a horrible creature.
She was doing the world a favour by getting rid of her.

Her eyes were dead and her mind, broken. No more tears dripped down her face.

Standing up, she kicked her in the stomach her all her strength. Releasing the pent up anger she felt for those who dared chase after her senpai.
Amai bent over, coughing out thick, red blood. Ayano kicked her once more and watched her topple over. She landed with a wet thud, unmoving. But she was still alive.

Taking a spoon, she dug into one of her eye sockets until her managed to pry her eye ball out. It was difficult and she could feel the metal of the spoon grinding against her skull. It fell from her face and landed ground. Bouncing a few times and rolling a little ways away. Bending over, Ayano picked it up, before dropping it in disgust. The slimy thing felt like a slug!

She kicked it into a corner and yanked Amai up. Grabbing her head, she forcefully shoved it into a blender and turned it on.

She laughed joyously as she observed the skin, the flesh, the cartilage, being grinder inthe machine and scraped from her skull. One final blood curdling cry was issued from her mouth before she fell limp in Ayano's arms.

She switched of the blender and cleaned up the mess she had made. She dumped anything that could have her fingerprints on on it into the incinerator. Once she was sure there was no more evidence in the cooking room, she grabbed the eyeball with a pair of tongs and tucked it into a jar of sugar in the room.

It was sure to give the members a nice scare. She added the tongs to the rest of the things in the incinerator and turned it on, before heading home for the day to have a nice shower and relax after a long day

She knew she would dream sweetly tonight. After all, she had rid herself if not one, but two nuisances in one day! What a wonderful accomplishment.

Author's note

So this was quite the dark chapter... It's safe to say we both had tons of fun writing this, XD

-Kiki and Lex

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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