One// The Truth

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"You don't have to do this, Jack" Misha said over the phone "I know, but it's who I am and I want them to see that. I think they will support me, anyway. What do you think?" It's silence from the other end of the phone and for a second I think he's hung up on me "I'm not sure, buddy. They haven't showed any signs they're against it, but they also haven't shown any signs they're okay with it"

He's right, as much as I want to be known as their son and known as Jackson around the house, there's a chance I might not even be there child after this. "Well, what's the worst that can happen?" I try to laugh my nervousness off

"Jackson" Misha starts sternly "you know what the worst is and you know there is a possibility that they won't accept you" I sigh into the phone and agree with him "I know, but everyday my depression gets worse because I'm hiding who I really am to the people I love the most"

"I understand that, I'm just afraid"
"I know, I am too"

Now would be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Jackson and I'm 14 years old, turning 15 in two months and in case you didn't know, I'm transgender, female to male, and Misha is my uncle. I first came out to him when I was 10 and found out what it meant to be transgender. As you can tell, I'm very close to him and he supports me through all the tough times I go through.

"Well, I'm gonna go make diner for the kids, call me later and tell me how it went if you go along with it, alright?"
"Okay, thank you"

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

My parents get home in about 10 minutes and I'm absolutely terrified to see their reaction. There's no evidence to say they will support me, but there's also no evidence to say they won't. I quickly rehearse what it is I'm going to say to them

I hear the car pull into the driveway and I start to breathe heavier, my hands start shaking and my knees get weak. They come in and greet me "hello Sarah" I know my birth name is nothing like my preferred name, but that's how I like it. My parents look up at me and notice how nervous I am "is something wrong?" My dad asks as they both get settled down and take their jackets off and rest on the couch after a long day at work.

"Actually, yes" I start, my mom giving me a look meaning go on, they're listening "I know you guys have asked me a lot if I am a lesbian, but I would like to confirm I am not. I am Actually a gay, transgender male" I stop and wait for their reaction.

"No you're not" my mom states "you're my daughter, Sarah. You have been for 14 years now, nothing can or will change that" not the reaction I was hoping for.

I calmly try to reassure her that I am not, in fact, her daughter "mom, I was never your daughter. Haven't you noticed anything different about me since I was young? I always hated dolls, playing dress up, make up and all the other girly things that women like. I always hated them because I'm a boy and boys don't use those kinds of stuff"

"Stop this right now! You are not my son, you are my daughter. If you want to continue to think these messed up thoughts then you shouldn't be here. Actually on second thought, just get out. You're not our daughter or our son anymore" my dad yells.

"What?" I ask weakly, my eyes brimming with tears. "Come back when you want to be our daughter again" my mother said sadly "we can't have someone like you in the presence of us. It's disgusting and we can not tolerate it in this house"

Everything goes silent and I start to shake again. My parents don't want me, all because of who I am. I go upstairs without thinking and pack the most important things I own. I walk back down to see my parents waiting at the door for me "do I really have to go?"

"Yes" my dad yelled, clearly irritated and beyond disgusted. I tried my best not to look mad and upset, because it's just what they want. I don't try to fight back because my father has a past of violence and I know what he can and will do to Me if I even try to defend myself.

I leave the house and go to the nearest Park. I think I'm mostly in shock of the situation and having trouble processing it all.

It's been an hour since I got to the park and it'd starting to get darker and colder outside. I rest on the bench and take a deep breath thinking about the events that happened not too long ago. My phone stared to vibrate and with the vibration it was, I knew it was Misha.

"Hello?" I pick up "did you go along with it?" He asks "yes" I say, sounding a lot weaker than I would like to admit "Where are you? I'm on my way" I give him the street address that the park is next to and he hung up, informing me that he is coming. I guess he could tell that it didn't go well because he didn't even ask how it went and he said he'd pick me up.

I put my head phones in and play my music while waiting. A tear falls from my eye, but I quickly wipe it away.

Misha pulls up and I get in the passenger seat "I'm sorry" I say to him "you have nothing to be sorry for, Jack" he tells me
"I didn't mean for you to pick me up" I tell him, being honest. I didn't want him to, I didn't even know he'd find out I was going to sleep outside

"I know, but it'll be dark soon and I can't have you out there on your own. You're staying with me now and I'm taking custody over you, okay?" He asks
"Okay" I mumble

Great. My family kicked me out because I was being honest with them and now I'm living with my aunt and uncle and their two kids. It's crazy how your life can switch up all in one day

Too many LGBT+ kids go homeless or commit suicide because their parents can't or won't accept them for who they are and it's sad. Nobody deserves that

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