Chapter 8

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After all the tears I wiped my face then I did the same to Alfred, "I love you." He mumbles slightly, a slight pink appearing on his face.
"I love you too, Alfred." I smile weakly then he pulled me into a kiss, I didn't think before kissing back. He quickly started removing my clothes and moved the kissing to my neck making me shiver in pleasure, "A-Alfred... the d-door is open..." I told him, my head tilted to the side to make my neck more open to him, my eyes closed, my eyebrows furrowed and I was now biting my lip.
"I don't care who sees." He picked me up and placed me onto the bed, "I love you and I don't care who knows it." He took off my white dress shirt, that was now wrinkled and unbuttoned, and started to kiss down my torso.
"Alfred." I whispered in pleasure before humming and biting my lip again. I could feel him stop and I look at him curiously. He was looking at me, smirking a devilish smirk. He undid my belt and began rubbing his hand over my trousers making me tilt my head back and moan softly through my bitten lip, "Alfred, this is all s-so sudden." I buck my hips up without thought as he began to unbutton my trousers.
"I want to be with you like this one more time before I go." He slid down my trousers and I could hear them drop to the wooden floor.
"W-well u-usually I'm on the t-top..." I blushed lightly as I could feel him playing with my boxers teasingly.
"Mhm... I wanted to try something new today." I looked at him and saw he was biting his lip, he looked up at me from my boxers, "is that okay with you?" I just nod in response and he smiled.

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