Chapter 19

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The sun shined through the window as I smiled, laying in Alfred's arms in the bed. I haven't seen the sun in months, it was nice to see again after weeks of rain and clouds. This day was already amazing and it hasn't even started yet. I could hear Alfred's quiet snores from behind me as I yawned and rubbed my eyes before opening them. My room was bright and more colourful than I've seen before, "Alfred, it's time to wake up, it's morning." I whisper softly, kissing his arm after. I got a slight groan in response, making me chuckle in my throat.
I jump up as I hear stomping up to my room, I sit up quickly and look towards the door. The door swung open, hitting the wall and flying back, being stopped by a slightly angry Canadian, "I don't appreciate you moving me to-" he stops and going quiet for a moment, staring at his brother in the bed with me, who was now just waking up, "A-Alfred?" A smile starts to appear on his mouth.
"Hm?" The American still had his eyes closed before he took his glasses from the bed side table and put them on. Alfred looked at his smiling brother and grinned back, "Mattie!" Alfred raised his arms in joy and Matthew ran into his arms, hugging him tightly, "I missed you so much bro!"
"I missed you more." I could see Matthew squinting his eyes, trying not to cry, "I don't want you to leave me ever again."
"I promise, but, only if you come with me." He responds.
"You're leaving again?" Both Matthew and I ask in shock. The hug stopped and the American man nodded.
"Yes, of course not now though. I just got hear!" He laughed, trying to light up the mood, "I'm going in about a month or so, but I do have to go."
"The police are coming after us anymore though, Alfie. We can stay here. I love it here, it's my home, and I wanted you to stay for my wedding." Matthew mumbled the last few things he said, blushing lightly.
"W-wedding?" Alfred looked at his Canadian brother in shock.
"Let's talk more over breakfast?" I get up off my bed and the two blonde men nod in agreement.

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