Glimpse of Judy

62 8 16

By: xthedimlightx


Something about it is just off. Maybe it's the hand? Or the shadows casted on it? I don't know but it's not really nice. Use another image. I would suggest a picture of someone... the person's body and majority of his/her face will be covered by shadows (like the one you have) and then only a bit of the person's face shows. So you get a glimpse of the person.  Get it?

Just a suggestion though.

Overall take:
It's fairly pretty. Unique, because I've never seen a cover with only a hand on it, but it would be better if you changed the image completely.
Also, I can barely see the title of the book.


I can't even tell what it's about because your grammar is so messed up.  Your tenses are wrong, the words you used are wrong. Everything is just wrong. I. Do. Not. Understand. This.  Blurb.

Write in English!  And if English isn't your first language, then please write a book in your first language or learn

Overall take:

Nope. Nope. Nope get yourself another blurb.

First Chapter:

It will be shocking if you have genuine readers, not because your content is bad but the grammar! Oh Lawd. Maybe it's just me, because English is my baby and I can't stand
to see people murder it but it is going to be extremely hard for me to read all 5 chapters of your book... and understand something.

Overall take:

I tried correcting your mistakes but I realised it goes deeper than that. You need to actually learn English first because your mistakes are not minor, they are extra major. 

Please re-write this book in actual English and then I can review it because reviewing it like this, would just be a suicide mission.

I'm serious. Clean up your work to the best of your ability, and then some. Then re-fill your form. I'd attend to you then.

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